“The woman has seven inches, why she need a sex toy party?”

“Shut up, shut up, shut up,” Hound whispered again.

She didn’t shut up.

“They’re kinda . . . adventurous, um . . . in the sack.”


“Well all right,” Elvira decreed.

“She’s used to . . . more?” Lanie asked, sounding strangled and staring with big eyes at Boz.

“Are we really listenin’ to bitches havin’ a conversation about dicks and sex toy parties in our own damned Compound?” Speck asked.

Boz ignored Elvira, Lanie and Speck and asked Keely, “She’s marrying him, isn’t she?”

“Yes, Boz,” Keely answered.

“She’s marrying a man she doesn’t love?” Boz pushed.

“I, well . . . no. He . . . Boz, I’m sorry, but he won her over,” Keely answered.

“He’s a good dude,” Jagger put in. “Solid. They were over to dinner and Mom’s asshole folks showed, Dad’s asshole folks showed, he didn’t know dick about what was happening, except they were being assholes, and I thought for a second he’d snap all their necks.”

Slowly, Boz looked from Jag back to Keely.

And the destroyed had intensified.

“He had dinner with you and Bev and the boys?” he asked.


“Yes,” Keely answered.

“I lost her,” he said.

Keely nodded. “I’m sorry, Boz, but yeah, you lost her.”

Boz stared at Keely then at the door before he walked to and through it.

“Oh boy.” This time Keely whispered it.

“Your folks showed?” Tack asked Keely, and she stopped studying the door and looked to Tack.

“Yeah, but the boys kicked them out in a way I don’t think they’re ever coming back, so it’s all good.”

“You there when that went down?” Tack asked Hound.

“Yup,” Hound answered. “And the boys took care of it.”

“Hound opened the door for them after we kicked their asses out,” Dutch shared.

“And followed them to their cars,” Jag added then included, “So did Tad.”

“Then we all shot tequila and ate dessert,” Dutch finished.

Hound felt a lot of eyes but only saw Tack looking at him, and he knew right then Tack was seeing yet another part of the good Keely had, having him in her life.

He felt Keely tug at his hand.

He looked down at her. “Your face. Clean up. Let’s get our beers and do that.”

Hound thought that was a good idea so they did that, ending up where they were.

Naked in his bed.

So he’d been wrong in what he thought.

It hadn’t been a good idea. It had been a spectacular one.

“It kinda sucks, I’m back and she’s gonna be married to some guy who’s not Chaos. But we all bonded over trying to decide what to do about you standing the gauntlet and sex toy parties, so I know she won’t lose the girls. She just won’t be hanging at the Compound anymore.”

“Tad’s welcome here,” Hound grunted.

Her body went still then it swayed into his and she slid her arm around him as she asked, “Really?”

“Why not?”

“Well . . . Boz.”

“He dicked around, let a good thing slip through his fingers, not a brother who doesn’t know that. Probably not a good idea Tad shows tomorrow for a brew at the bar, but give it some time, he’ll be tight with us, the boys, Bev’s always got a place with Chaos and since he’ll be with her, he’ll have a place too.”

She slid her hand back to his chest, up to his neck and into his hair behind his ear.

“I love you,” she whispered.

He grunted.

“Are the boys in trouble?” she asked.

“You send them here?” he asked back.

She shook her head on the pillow. “I just told them it was going down. I didn’t know they were here until the girl posse got here and I saw their bikes.”

He nodded his head on the pillow. “They’re not in trouble. They handled it right. Showed loyalty. Didn’t take shit too far.”

“Good,” she said softly.

“The girl posse?” he asked.

She did a bed shrug and answered, “I called Bev, just for moral support. She told me she was coming over to wait it out with me, but instead she showed with all of them. Apparently, she’d warned them the day after I told her about us. But they didn’t get far in deciding what to do if things went south, because she thought they’d have time because she thought I’d warn her it was coming.”

“So Bev didn’t listen real good when you told her just her, you, me and the boys,” Hound noted.

“And Tad,” she corrected.

He said nothing.

She grinned at him and returned to her story.

“They hatched the plan to horn in. Elvira, who’s a freaking hoot by the way, and I tried to talk them out of it. Tyra and Tab, who, swear to God, if I didn’t know Naomi was Tabby’s mother, I would have sworn Tyra had birthed that girl, would hear none of it. Lanie was beside herself with fury at the very thought Hop might put hands on you for that reason. Carissa, she’s very sweet, but the perfect old lady. She was really calm, supportive of them, but I knew she’d stand behind whatever her man decided to do. It was an interesting decision and says a lot about how secure she is with whatever she’s got with her man, that she came in with them. But I figure she knows he’d stand behind whatever she decided to do too.”

“They’re young but they’re tight. I couldn’t imagine him with any other woman on the planet,” Hound told her. “She does it for him. He’s been in love with her since high school.”

“That’s so sweet,” she whispered. “I love that for her.”

“He’s a good guy,” Hound shared.

“Now I love it more,” she replied and went on, “Apparently Millie didn’t know, until today. Bev knew she and I had history, thought maybe Millie would be the one who would spill with High, so she saved Millie for last.”

Hound had nothing to say to that, though he grunted.

Then he declared, “So now it’s over.”

“Arlo and Dog,” she stated.

At that, Hound gathered her closer. “Babe—”

“No,” she whispered.

He shut up.

“All those brothers, those two couldn’t just let us have it?” she asked.

“Arlo’s got issues he needed to work out, Keekee, and it’s my place to help him work those out.”

“I disagree,” she returned. “Especially when that shit leaves you bloody.”

“You see him?”

She reached under her. Following his arm he had wrapped around her with her hand, she pulled it between them. She had her fingers wrapped under his wrist with her thumb rubbing lightly across the rope burns at the inside while her eyes watched.

She looked up at him. “You did all that damage with one hand tied behind your back?”

“Some of it. Most of it came after Dutch and Jag made their play, Dutch layin’ it out and Jag cutting me loose.”

“God,” she pressed his hand flat against her chest and melted the rest of her body into his, “I love my boys.”

There was a lot to love and their play that day was only part of it.