Page 33

I have to blink twice to focus.

My jaw drops.

No way.

We’re standing in the middle of the Fremont High football field. A big blanket is on the fifty-yard line. Battery-operated candles surround the blanket, lighting up the area in a romantic glow.

Trey takes my hand and guides me to the blanket.

“This is amazing. How did you get permission to do this?”

He laughs. “Who said I got permission?”

I look at him sideways and wonder if he’s telling the truth. “We’re gonna get in trouble, Trey. The police will kick us out.” It reminds me of something Vic would do.

“Relax.” When I hesitate he squeezes my hand. “It’s all good. Vic knows the gardener who takes care of the grass. He said I could come here.”

“You sure?” I ask skeptically.

His answer is a peck on the cheek. “Yeah. Trust me.”

We sit on the blanket and, out of nowhere, ten people from our high school marching band start marching down the field playing “Just the Way You Are.”

Trey sings along with the music in his smooth, deep voice.

“It’s our song,” I say softly as the band serenades us.

I try to soak up the night while the music and the flickering lights from the candles dance around us. It’s like being in a movie where the guy tries to romance the girl and win her heart. Not long after we started dating freshman year, Trey left notes in my locker and texted me a cute quote every morning just to put a smile on my face.

He hasn’t done it in six months.

When the song ends, the band marches off into the darkness and disappears.

I sit gazing at Trey’s flawless dark skin and chiseled features that have made more than a few girls try to steal him from me over the years.

“Love ya,” he says as he gazes into my eyes.

“I love you,” I say back instinctively.

The sound of loud, obnoxious fake gagging makes me look up. “Okay, seriously, you guys are nauseating.” It’s Jet, wearing a white button-down shirt with black pants. He holds a plate of food as he stands over us.

“What are you doing here, Jet?” I ask.

“I’m one of your personal waiters tonight. Anything you need, just ask. Here,” he says, holding out a plate filled with miniature, bite-size barbeque-beef sandwiches on little homemade buns like he’s a trained butler. “My dad made these appetizers for you at his restaurant. It’s an experimental recipe, so if you puke or die don’t blame the chef. You’ve been warned.”

“Everything your dad cooks is delicious,” I tell him as I reach for one of the sandwiches. Trey follows my lead and we both dig in while a very satisfied and proud Jet watches us devour the food.

“Damn, Jet,” Trey says. “Tell your dad this is the bomb.”

My mouth is stuffed full of mouth-watering tender beef, fresh homemade bread, and spices that blend together perfectly. “Mmm” is all I can manage.

“That’s just the beginning.” Jet waves to someone in the announcer’s booth on top of the bleachers. My brows furrow in confusion as I look at Trey, who rubs his hands together in pure joy like he did last Christmas right before he opened the watch I bought him.

Ashtyn and Derek come walking down the bleachers and onto the field. They’re both wearing the same attire as Jet. I can’t believe Trey orchestrated this whole thing with our friends, the same people who have been with us since we started dating. Ash is carrying a big stuffed penguin, and Derek is carrying a basket.

“Where’s Vic?” I ask. He’s the only one of our core crew who’s not here.

Trey shrugs and checks his cell. “He’s supposed to be here.”

“I haven’t heard from him,” Jet says.

“Me, either,” echo Derek and Ashtyn.

“Maybe he got in a fight with someone just for the fun of it,” Jet jokes, but we all know there’s some truth in his words. “Or maybe he’s reeling over the fact that he’s going to homecoming with his ex.”

His ex?

“Vic is going to homecoming with Cassidy?” I ask.

Jet nods. “Yep.”

A sinking feeling settles in my heart. Not that I care who Vic goes to homecoming with. He can go with Cassidy. So why is jealousy racing through my veins?

Are they back together?

Ugh, I shouldn’t care. Vic and his love life have nothing to do with me.

Ash says, “Forget about Vic and enjoy the food and this special night.”

Trey checks his phone again, then mumbles something about a cake and Vic and that the entire night will be ruined if he doesn’t get here soon.