Page 5

“It’s a powerful talisman,” the sorcerer said. “It shouldn’t be held by one with such poor control of her magic.”

His logic was sound, but Carrow was different. Immune from the rules, as far as I was concerned.

“She failed the guild selection ceremony.” There was triumph in Ubhan’s voice.

“What do you mean, failed?” It was an ancient spell meant to determine what species a supernatural was. “It can’t fail.”

“It did.”

That was strange. And it would have to be dealt with. Even I understood the importance of belonging to a guild. The city had been founded on that principle.

“Be that as it may, she stopped a necromancer. She is new to our city, but she could be a very valuable asset.” My voice stung like a whip. “She is not valuable if she is locked up in the dungeons below.”

There was a grumbling from the two who always fought me the hardest: Ubhan, the sorcerer, and Nyla, the elemental mage. I narrowed my gaze on them, using my magic silently. There were those in this room who suspected that I could compel without using my voice, but they’d never worked up the courage to question me about it.

I let my magic reach out to them, floating silently and invisibly on the air to seep into their minds and make them amenable to my goals. I used this gift rarely—better to let people think I controlled others with my voice.

“Carrow failed the guild ceremony because she has not mastered her magic yet.” I was almost positive that wasn’t the case, but I imbued my voice with such certainty and power that they’d be forced to agree with me. For now. “I will take her as my responsibility and teach her to control her magic. I guarantee she will be a safe member of the community. And when her training is complete, she will find a guild.”

There was more grumbling from Ubhan, but his eyes were blurring just slightly, indicating that my magic was working on him. I knew to look for that sign, but hopefully, the others did not.

“Her gift is a simple one, albeit powerful,” I said. “She can do no harm by touching things or people and reading information from them.”

She could do a hell of a lot of harm, in fact, if there was anyone on this Council involved in shady dealings and she touched one of their possessions. She was in the business of secrets, though I doubted she saw it that way.

“That’s hardly all she can do,” protested Nyla.

“Do you have something to hide?”

“I am honest and above reproach.”

She was laying it on a bit thick, but I merely inclined my head, imbuing my voice with suggestive power. “I will take her under my protection and ensure that she is no threat to us.”

There was less blustering this time, and I could tell that my magic was working on them.

Ubhan stood and gazed around the assembly, garnering a nod from each one present before he looked at me. “We will release her on the condition that she learns to master her magic and proves she is no threat. But hear me well, Devil. If she cannot do it to my satisfaction, she goes back to the dungeons.”

I disliked the emphasis on my—he had an agenda here, no question—but I merely nodded and stored the information away for later. I’d spent so much of my early life on bloody rampages. I infinitely preferred manipulation and diplomacy.

“You’ve made a wise decision.” I turned and strode out, not bothering with farewells.

I heard a few annoyed huffs behind me, but my thoughts were already on Carrow. She’d spent at least ten minutes in the dank cells. I didn’t want her to spend a second longer down there.

Penelope, the shifter guard, followed me as I moved quickly toward the stairs and into the dungeons. This place was archaic, but it did have its uses.

Imprisoning Carrow should not be one of them.

I caught sight of her standing at the bars of her cell, her golden hair gleaming in the dim light. I blinked, unable to believe how beautiful she looked—how bright and luminous. She’d brought my senses back to life, according to the Oracle, and I wanted to know more. I’d long ago heard the prophecy that someone would thaw me, and it seemed that was true.

“You did this.” She glared at me, spitting fire with her eyes.

A raccoon sat at her side, glaring at me.

“I did not.” I clenched my fists, wanting to tear the bars off their hinges and slam them into Ubhan’s smug face. How dare he do this to her?

“Unlock the cell.” My voice gritted with anger, and Penelope hurried to comply.

Carrow looked from the guard to me, confusion on her face. I caught the briefest whiff of her lavender magic and the scent of her skin—something undefinable that made me want to bury my face in her neck and—

I wanted to bite her.


I would not think of that. Not here, no matter how tempting the idea. Now that I’d had a taste of her—my first in centuries directly from another person—I wanted more.

The heavy metal lock snicked as Penelope turned the key. The door swung open, and Carrow and the raccoon darted out. She was close enough to touch, and I almost reached for her.

But no.

I’d done terrible things in my life. I didn’t deserve to touch her. Nor did I have permission. Again, I clenched my fists.

“You orchestrated this somehow,” she said. “Got me locked up because I wouldn’t help you, and now you’re conveniently here to rescue me. That is right up your alley.”

I opened my mouth to deny it, but… “You’re right. It’s something I’m capable of.” The fact that I’d manipulated and threatened the entire Council to get her out of here proved that my morals were nonexistent. “But in this case, I did not. It is coincidence.”

She scoffed and crossed her arms.

Penelope shifted uncomfortably, and I cut her a quick look. “You may go.”

The guard scurried away, almost running up the stairs.

“It’s true,” I said. “This is coincidence. Think of Ubhan. Do you truly think he doesn’t want you here, locked up for his own reasons? He wants to force you to use your magic to help him.”

“Why not hire me?” There was the slightest trace of doubt in her voice. “I’m starting a business selling my services.”

“He could. Unless he wants you to read something. Unless he’s worried you will reveal terrible information about him or his allies. Not to mention your power.”

Her eyes flickered.

“The spell that would assign you to a guild couldn’t work on you. Your magic is too strong, too strange.”

Her jaw tightened. “You’re here now. Why?”

“Because I’m fond of you.” Fond was such a weak word. It felt awkward on my tongue, but I didn’t know what else to say that wouldn’t scare the hell out of her.

“Fond? That’s a ridiculous word.”

We agreed on something, it seemed. “You’re right. Frankly, I don’t know how I feel about you. But I do want you.” I could be honest about that. I had to be honest about that. I wanted her more than I wanted her blood, more than I wanted anything.

“You want my magic.”

“That as well.”

“I don’t know how to process this.”

“Why don’t you start by following me out of here?”

She drew in an unsteady breath and nodded. “Hell, yes. Let’s go.”



I followed the Devil out of the horrible old church, moving at a quick pace alongside him. I didn’t want to spend a second more in that hellish place. Cordelia followed silently at my heels.

My mind spun as we walked through the damp, dark hallways.

He wanted me.

Not just my power.


I couldn’t deny it. I could feel it coming off him like a heady scent that spun my mind and caressed my skin. I’d felt it during our near kiss, and I’d definitely felt it when he’d bitten me. That bite had been better than any sex I’d ever had.

To be fair, it had all been mediocre sex, but still.

I shot him a surreptitious glance, taking in his lean, powerful grace. He was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen, but also the most terrifying. Not just for his magic, but for his physical power as well.

His strength and speed, not to mention his charm, were enough to get him whatever he wanted in life. Add his mind control powers to it, and no one could mount a defense against him.

Except me.

His powers didn’t work on me.

He was stronger than me, but my mind was my own.

Except for the fact that I wanted him right back, but it would do me no good if I gave in to those damned instincts.

Cursed Mate.

Especially given that little prophecy that I didn’t understand. Did he know about it?

We approached the main exit, and the sight of the two figures by the door drew my mind from the Devil.

The guards watched us as we left, and I barely resisted hissing at them. Garreth and Penelope. Their names were going on my list of people to avoid.

The afternoon sun welcomed us as we walked out onto the massive front steps of the church. The square spread before of us, its pale stone gleaming. Cordelia disappeared immediately, and I couldn’t blame her.

Mac, who’d clearly been waiting outside, launched herself at me. “You’re out!”

She threw her arms around me and squeezed tight. I hugged her back. “You’ve been hanging around out here?”

“Of course.” She pulled back and looked at me like I was crazy. “I’d have been in there, too, if Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum hadn’t kept me out.”

I grinned. “Thanks, Mac.”

“Duh, I’ve got your back.” She grabbed my arm, obviously ignoring the Devil. “Come on, we’re getting out of here.”

“Not quite yet.” The Devil’s voice was quiet but commanding. It wrapped around me and squeezed, like an overly tight hug that I both liked and loathed.

I turned back to him. “Is it time to pay the piper?”