In another universe, one that didn’t involve me facing down the Four Gremlins of My Apocalypse, I would have laughed in her face. Willfully subjugating myself to Blythe’s iron fist for seven years sounded like a genuinely terrible idea.

But in light of the “guilty on all counts” thing, and whatever maximum sentence those power-drunk jerkoffs figured I deserved, it had a whole lot more appeal.

As an extra perk, if Lienna took Blythe’s promotion offer, I would no longer be a rogue, criminal, or convict. I’d be her coworker. If that wasn’t an upgrade, I didn’t know what was.

A stunned grin broke across my face. “Sure, Cap! Count me in.”

She smiled tightly—wow, had I ever seen her smile before?—and extended her hand. It took me half a second to realize she wanted a handshake. I grabbed her hand and shook it firmly, trying not to wince as she ground my knuckles together.

And that was it. I was a free man. Or, I was no longer MagiPol’s prisoner. I was their employee.

I stared bemusedly at the captain. Lienna had warned me that Blythe could influence my future, but I hadn’t guessed how much power she could wield to change my fate.

And now I belonged to her for the next seven years.

Not sure how I felt about that yet.

“Welcome to the MPD, Kit,” she murmured, a sternly thoughtful note in her voice. “I’m looking forward to putting your unique magic to use.”

I couldn’t stop a small laugh from leaking through my teeth as I thought of the wand I’d somehow transformed into a silver snake.

She had no idea who she’d just hired.