He dropped his phone and pulled an old T-shirt on. Should he have said, “Come by and get them anytime”? Eh, baby steps.

He grabbed a beer out of his fridge, went back down the hall to his living room, and turned on the basketball game. He probably should work on the press release that needed to go out Tuesday, but he’d been working nonstop all day, and he wanted to sit on the couch and yell at sports for a while to give the work part of his brain a break.

His phone buzzed, and he snatched it off the coffee table.

You watching this game?


Yeah, why?

Knowing Ben, it could be anything between “I just won $1,000 on Curry’s last shot” to “My ad agency has a commercial in the next break. Watch it!”

I got a last minute ticket from someone at the agency 10th row, look for me on TV

Yeah, that sounded right.


He set his DVR to record.

His doorbell rang—pizza, thank God. He handed over cash and plunked the pizza box down on his coffee table.

Just as he picked up a slice of pizza, his phone buzzed once more. If it was Ben again . . .

Thanks for letting me know. Getting drinks with Alexa now btw

Not Ben. He took a bite of pizza and leaned back against the couch cushions.

Ohhh, does that mean I need to be circumspect about what I text in case she sees your phone?

This was going to be fun.

Maddie saw Theo’s text flash onto her phone and put her forearm on top of it.

“So are you going to do it?” Alexa asked.

Was she a mind reader? How did Alexa know she was thinking about whether she should stop by Theo’s place later? Just to get the earrings. She wore those earrings all the time and needed them for the weekend.

“Do what?”

“Apply for the job at the station? The thing we were just talking about?” Alexa picked up Maddie’s glass and peered into it. “How much tequila is in that margarita?”

Maddie took her glass back.

“Ha-ha, very funny. Sorry, I lost my train of thought. It’s been a long week.” Getting paranoid there, Madeleine. “I think so. It’s a great way to raise my profile, that’s for sure. And I really could help people who need my skills. I’m just not sure if I’ll be good on TV.”

Maddie had been thinking about the job at the station all week, and the more she thought about it, the more excited she felt. She’d already heard from the producer, who said he’d be in touch with more details in a few weeks. She’d talked to her mom about it, and her mom had told her to make a pro/eon list, like she always told her to do for any major—or sometimes minor—decision. But she knew her mom loved the idea; she was a social worker, and she knew how much of a barrier the right clothes could be, especially for poor women. Plus, she and Maddie both knew how hard life was as a woman who didn’t know all of the unwritten clothing rules that seem to come up everywhere you go.

Maddie had always wanted to be able to do something to give back—that was part of the whole reason she’d started this business in the first place. But she’d been concentrating so much over the past few years on getting her business established, she hadn’t had any time. Now here was something that could both help her business and help people.

Her phone buzzed, and she glanced down at it.

Because I could mention something about when I noticed those earrings on Saturday night. I saw one of them just brushing your right shoulder, and it made me want to put my lips just there. And then later, when we were in the closet, I did it.

He needed to stop this. Just thinking about when he’d kissed her like that in the closet made her shiver.

“Are you kidding me? You’ll be great on TV!” Alexa said. She had to stop thinking about Theo around Alexa. “You have the right look for it, and you’ve styled so many people for TV appearances that you know all the clothes that will work.”

Maddie nodded.

“Oh, I’m not worried if I can look good on TV—that part I have down. It’s if I can be good on TV. I feel like they want a certain type for that kind of show—bitchy but helpful, snooty but with a heart of gold, et cetera. And look, I can BE a bitch, but—”

Alexa burst out laughing.

“Oh, really? You can? I had no idea.”

Maddie elbowed her.

“Shut up. My point is that I just don’t know if that’s the right way to go for this kind of thing? Or am I overthinking it?”

Alexa was still laughing.

“You’re definitely overthinking it, at least for now. Right now, just wait to see what happens. You can figure out your TV persona later.”

Her phone buzzed again.

And then later that night, you were naked on my bed but the only thing you had on were those earrings. When did you eventually take them off?

She remembered that, too, damn him. What was he doing? He knew she was there with Alexa!

Alexa’s phone buzzed and she picked it up. Oh thank God, now Maddie could reach for her phone, too.

You’re killing me here. I took them off before we fell asleep, I can’t sleep with those on

His text came within seconds.

You sure can fuck with them on though

She pretended her laugh was a cough. Luckily, Alexa was busy texting.

“Sorry about this. Olivia is in L.A. for work and had a restaurant question. Just one second.”

Theo! Are you trying to give us away? I barely managed to not laugh out loud there

She drained the rest of her margarita.

I’ll stop as soon as you tell me to stop

“Okay, sorry.” Alexa put her phone down. “I’m excited you’re doing this. Keep me posted as soon as you hear from them.”

Maddie pulled her attention away from her phone.

“I will. I’m not getting my hopes up; they could already have someone in mind that Maya doesn’t know about, or the show could just be a pipe dream.”

You know, now that you mention it, I don’t remember seeing them on you in the morning. I should have realized you didn’t have them on then. I was watching you pretty closely when you climbed on top of me. I guess I was distracted by other things.

She crossed her legs. Damn this man for making her so heated. She hated that he was doing this to her.

Maybe sometime you could come by my office when the coast is clear and lock the door, and we could do all of that and more on top of my desk

She pictured that in her mind and shivered. All she could think about was climbing on top of him again as soon as possible. She texted back.

I’m going to get back at you for this

The bartender stopped in front of them.

“Ladies, another round?”

Alexa shook her head.

“I shouldn’t. Drew should be home soon. But Maddie, go ahead. I have time to hang out for a little while longer.”

Maddie pushed her glass away.

“No, I’ve got a busy day tomorrow.”

As weird as it was to keep a secret like this from Alexa, it was actually kind of nice to have a fun secret, something interesting going on in her life. Especially right now, when it felt like Alexa was falling away from her. Not that she didn’t like Drew, or wasn’t happy for Alexa; that wasn’t it. But for twenty years it had been Maddie and Alexa all the time for everything, and now it was Alexa and Drew. He was her default now, and Maddie didn’t have one anymore.

When Maddie got to her car, she pulled out her phone again. She had another text.

I’m at home tonight, if you’re nearby and need those earrings

She could just stop by and get the earrings; she didn’t have to sleep with him.

I’ll be there in 10 minutes

Was she coming over to get the earrings, or was she coming over to “get the earrings”? He had no idea.

Should he change? He looked down at what he was wearing. No, that would make it seem like he thought this was a booty call, and even if that’s what it turned out to be, he didn’t want her to think that was on purpose.

Even though it was.

The earrings were still on his dresser. Should he bring them into the living room?

What a stupid question.

When the doorbell rang, he walked back down the hall to the front door.

“Hey,” he said when he opened the door. She looked fucking incredible. As usual. “Come on in.”

Without waiting for a response, he turned and went into the living room.

“You hungry? I have this whole pizza. Well . . . most of it.”

He sat down in the middle of the couch.

“Starving, now that you mention it. What kind of pizza?”

She sat down next to him. She hadn’t brought up the earrings yet. This seemed like a good sign.

“Pepperoni, mushroom, and roasted garlic. Is that acceptable?”

She made a face but flipped open the pizza box and picked up a slice.

“All those things but the roasted garlic is fine. That’s a little much for a pizza, don’t you think?”

He laughed.

“Everyone makes fun of me for how much I love roasted garlic on pizza. Sorry about that.”

He picked up his slice, and she looked down at his plate, then back up at him. “Oh, aren’t we fancy, eating pizza on a plate.”

He handed her a napkin.

“Some of us are civilized, Maddie. Stick around. Maybe you’ll learn a little something.”