I felt like I was being beaten down. They were making sense and I knew it, but I just couldn't stand the pain if something was to happen to her and I wasn't there to protect her. "I can't do that." I repeated.

Bella spoke up, "Hang out here for a week -" I looked at her in the mirror and she could see my I don't think so expression and amended "- a few days. Let Charlie see you haven't kidnapped me, and lead this James on a wild-goose chase. Make sure he's completely off my trail. Then come and meet me. Take a roundabout route, of course, and then Jasper and Alice can go home."

It will work. Really. Alice thought to me.

"Meet you where?" I conceded, curiosity getting the best of me.

"Phoenix." She said matter-of-factly.

"No. He'll hear that's where you're going," I said impatiently.

Oh! Great plan...Alice thought seeing what Bella would say before she spoke again.

"And you'll make it look like that's a ruse, obviously. He'll know that we'll know that he's listening. He'll never believe I'm actually going where I say I am going."

Interesting, always interesting. "She's diabolical," Emmett began to chuckle and I ignored him.

"And if that doesn't work?" I muttered.

"There are several million people in Phoenix," she informed me like that settled it.

How did our conversation end up like this - here, in Forks embracing danger? We should be a hundred miles away by now! "It's not that hard to find a phone book," I said grimly.

"I won't go home," she said happily.

This is entertaining, really. Emmett thought with another chuckle in his head.

I wanted to roll my eyes at her or shake some sense into her. Maybe she had lost her mind with the stress of the ordeal. "Oh?" I asked, utterly perplexed.

"I'm quite old enough to get my own place," she smiled at me in the mirror.

It won't come to that. Don't worry. "Edward, we'll be with her," Alice winked at me.

Everyone had lost their minds. A sadistic vampire was hunting Bella and everyone had turned it into a big joke! "What are you going to do in Phoenix?" I rebuked.

If I have time, shop. She thought but pretended that she didn't think that when she looked at me and replied, "Stay indoors."

I threw her a disgruntled look.

With Jasper gone Edward and I can track this James down and kill him! "I kind of like it." Emmett grinned stupidly.

I glared at him. "Shut up, Emmett," I commanded and I meant that for his thoughts too. It didn't stop him.

"Look, if we try to take him down while she's still around, there's a much better chance that someone will get hurt - she'll get hurt, or you will, trying to protect her. Now, if we get him alone..." we can hack him up into little pieces and burn him! Emmett finished in his thoughts with another wide grin spreading across his face at the thought.

I saw the bright orange streetlights as they grew brighter and larger as Forks loomed into view. We had finally arrived back in town and I was suddenly anxious that our plan won't work. The streets were empty and it felt like it was an ominous sign. Alice could see the grim expression on my face.

She'll be fine, Edward, I've seen it. Alice thought calmy.

"Bella," I began while Alice and Emmett became alert immediately, gazing raptly out the windows. "If you let anything happen to yourself - anything at all - I'm holding you personally responsible. Do you understand that?" I said softly.

I heard her loud gulp. "Yes," she whispered.

I looked at Alice who turned back to me. "Can Jasper handle this?"

He cares for Bella, too. "Give him some credit, Edward. He's been doing very, very well, all things considered."

I raised an eyebrow. "Can you handle this?" I asked.

I have fewer problems handling it then you do. I'd never hurt Bella. How dare you. Alice thought while a growl ripped up her throat and she pulled back her lips to show her gleaming teeth.

Coming from Alice, the very tiny Alice, made me smile despite the events of this evening. "But keep your opinions to yourself," I said harshly, knowing that the knowledge of her visions would be too much for Bella to handle.

You mean the one where I think you should change her into a vampire so she can live with us forever? She thought with great smugness.

I grimaced while pulling into Bella's driveway, looking out at the dark grounds surrounding her house. A lump formed in my throat at the thought of what had to happen next.

21. Goodbye

There is no scent of a vampire anywhere near us, Emmett thought while looking around the darkened grounds.

All clear here, Alice looked through the future. He'll show up, but he won't bother us...he wants her to himself.

Looking out through the window of the Jeep I could see no sign of the tracker. I was secretly hoping that he wouldn't show up. Putting Bella in the line of danger was burning holes through me.

"He's not here," my voice was tense. "Let's go," I firmly commanded.

I gave Emmett a tight nod and he started unbuckling Bella's harness. I could hear her pulse start to race as her breathing became harsh and ragged. Her breath filled my lungs, reminding me forcibly of the precious creature I would be protecting this evening.

She's worried...so human. "Don't worry, Bella," Emmett said in an amused voice, "we'll take care of things here quickly."

Moisture was beginning to build up in Bella's eyes and in that most fleeting of seconds I wanted to take her and run - run thousands of miles - just me and her, together.

That's not an option, Alice's vision swirled in her head before it went up in a wisp of smoke as I realized she was right. We should hurry, her thoughts were strained as the many smoky and shadowy figures shifted and disappeared with each decision that was being made.

"Alice, Emmett," I called.

I hope he's here! This is going to be so much fun! Emmett ran away gleefully.

Don't worry, Edward. We'll keep her safe. Alice slid silently into the trees.

Bella was showing extraordinary strength for someone so human. I swept out of the Jeep and opened the back door to see Bella's face which was still full of sadness and my protective side took a different turn as I took her hand and brought her to my side to comfort and protect her.