Page 314

“Mama!” The wail sounded ridiculous coming from a grown man. “Malta went to the dragon.” He drew a deep breath, then spoke slowly and carefully. “The dragon has Malta now, instead of me.” He lifted both hands and patted at his head. “The dragon is gone. I don't feel her anymore. Malta made her leave me alone.”

“That's good, Reyn.” Jani tried to be comforting. “The dragon, is gone. All gone now. Go to sleep. In the morning, I want you to tell me all about it. I have some things to tell you, too.” She ignored her elder son's disgusted snort.

Reyn took a huge breath, and sighed it out. “You aren't listening. You don't understand. I'm so tired. All I want to do is sleep. But I have to go to her. I have to take the dragon back and make Malta go. She'll die and it's all my fault.”

“Reyn.” Jani sat down on the edge of her son's bed. She tugged a blanket over him. “You're drunk and you're tired and you're not making sense. There is no dragon. Only an old log. Malta is not in danger. Her injury was an accident, not truly your fault. She grows stronger every day. Soon she'll be up and about again. Now go to sleep.”

“Never try to reason with a drunk,” Bendir suggested, as if to himself.

Reyn groaned. “Mother.” He took a deep breath, as if to speak. Instead, he sighed. “I'm so tired. I haven't slept in so long. But listen. Listen. Malta went to the city, to the Rooster Crown Chamber. Go get her. That's all. Please. Please do that.”

“Of course. You go to sleep now. Bendir and I will take care of it.” She patted his hand and brushed his curly hair back from his pebbled brow.

Bendir made a disgusted noise. “You treat him like a baby!” He gathered up the bottles from the table and went to the door. One by one, he heaved them out into the swamp. Jani ignored his display of temper. She sat by Reyn, watching his eyes slowly droop and then close. Drowned in the memories. No. He wasn't, not her son. This was just the rambling of a drunken man. He was still himself. He saw her, he saw his brother. He didn't talk to ghosts. He was in love with a real live girl. He hadn't drowned, and he wouldn't.

Bendir came back into the chamber. He picked up the lantern from the table. “Coming?” he asked her.

She nodded, and followed her eldest son. As she shut the door, Reyn was breathing deeply and evenly.


The dragon laughed. “Once I am free, little one, why should I be interested in your brief little lives? I will fly away to seek my own kind. Of course, I will leave him alone. Now. Let me show you.”

Malta stood in the black chamber. Both her hands and her aching forehead rested against the block of wood. She took a breath. “And you will go and rescue my father.”

“Certainly,” the dragon purred. “I already told you I would. Now release me.”

“But how will I know you will keep your word?” Malta cried out in agony. More decisively, she added, “You have to give me something, some sort of a sign.”

“I give you my word.” The dragon was getting impatient.

“I need more than that.” Malta pondered. There was something, if she could just remember it. Then she had it. “Tell me your name.”

“No.” The dragon was adamant. “But once I am free, I will bring you treasure such as you have never dreamed existed. Diamonds as big as pigeon's eggs. I will fly to the south and bring you back the flowers that never fade, the blossoms that cure your kind of any ill just by breathing their scent. I will fly to the north and bring you back the ice that is harder than any metal and never melts. I will show you how to make blades from it that can cut even stone. I will fly to the east and bring you back-”

“No tales!” Malta protested. “No treasures. I ask only that you will leave Reyn alone, and that you will rescue my father. The name of the ship is Vivacia. You have to remember that. You must find the ship, kill the pirates and rescue him.”

“Yes, yes. Just . . .”

“No. Swear it by your name. Say that by your name you swear to rescue Kyle Haven and to leave Reyn Khuprus in peace. Say that, and I'll do as you say.”

She felt the blast of the dragon's anger like a slap against her whole body. “You dare to dictate to me? I have you now, little bug. Deny me, and I'll ride your soul to the end of your days. I will rule you. I will tell you to pull the nails from your own hands, and you will do it. I will demand you smother your babies, and you will obey. I will make of you a monster that even your own folk will-”