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It had taken her until noon to compress her feelings and master them again. The panic had passed, and she had been able to join the party, pleading a morning headache as excuse for her absence. Since then, she had wondered if it were strength or a sort of madness that let her pretend she was normal. As before, she resolved to create for herself a place where no man had authority over her. She lifted her chin as she touched scent to her throat. Tonight, she told herself. The opportunity might come tonight. If it did, she would be ready.

“HOW DO YOU STAND THE VEIL?” GRAG TENIRA ASKED REYN. “I THOUGHT I was going to die of suffocation in the carriage on the way here.”

Reyn shrugged. “One gets used to it. I have lighter ones than the one I loaned you, but I feared you might be recognized if you were not veiled heavily.”

They sat together in a guest chamber in the Tenira home. A small table had been bustled in, laden with bread, fruit, plates, glasses and a bottle of wine. From the hallway outside came the heavy tread of the servants bringing Reyn's trunks and chests up the stairs. Crag's discarded Rain Wild garb was strewn across the bed. He tousled up his sweaty hair to cool himself, and then advanced on the table. “Wine?” he offered Reyn.

“It would be most welcome, little cousin,” Reyn replied wryly.

Grag gave a half-laugh, half-groan. “I don't know how to thank you enough. I had not intended to come ashore in Bingtown at all. Yet here I am, not only on shore but back in my family's home, for however brief a time. If you had not been willing to aid me in this ruse, I fear I would still be cowering in the Kendry's hold.”

Reyn accepted the glass of wine, deftly slipped it under his veil and drank. He gave a sigh of satisfaction. “Well,” he balanced it, “if you had not extended me the hospitality of your home, I'd be standing outside the inn with my cases. The town is crawling with New Traders and the Satrap's minions. My rooms at the inn were long ago given away.” Reyn paused uncomfortably. “With the harbor blockaded, and the inns full, I do not know how long I will have to beg hospitality of you.”

“We are more than happy to welcome you both.” These words came from Naria Tenira as she pushed into the room carrying a tureen of steaming soup. She kicked the door closed behind her and scowled at Grag as she set the soup down on the table. “It is a relief to have Grag at home, and know he is safe. Do have something hot to eat, Reyn,” she invited him before rounding on her son and demanding, “Put that veil back on, Grag. And the gloves and hood. What if I had been a serving girl? I have told you, I trust no one. For as long as you are at home, we must carry on the pretense that you are a Khuprus from the Rain Wilds, guesting with us. Otherwise, you endanger your own life. Since we spirited you out of town, the offer for your capture has only gone up. Half the vandalism to New Trader businesses and the Satrap's ministries that has gone on in your absence has been attributed to you.”

She turned from her son and began dishing up soup for Reyn as she continued, “You're near a hero to some of the young men in town. I fear it is all getting out of hand, and the Satrap's minister has made you the scapegoat for it. The Traders' sons dare one another to 'Tenira' a warehouse, and all know what is meant by that.” She shook her head as she set food before Reyn. "No matter how quietly your sisters and I live, folk still turn and whisper when we go into town.

“You are not safe here, son. I wish your father were here. I declare, I am at my wit's end to know how to protect you.” She pointed commandingly at the discarded veil.

“I'm a bit old to be hiding behind your skirts, Mother,” Grag protested as he picked up the veil with distaste. “I'll put this on after I've eaten.”

“I'm a bit old to hope to have another son if they kill you,” she pointed out in a soft voice. She gathered up the gloves and handed them to him. “Put them on now, and get used to them,” she begged him. “This disguise is your only hope. Sa alone knows when the Kendry or any other ship will get out of Bingtown. You must continue to play the part of a Rain Wilder, and play it convincingly.” She looked at Reyn beseechingly. “Will you help him?”

“Of course.”

“I've given word to the servants that you are both excessively private young men. They are not to enter without knocking. To honor you, I've told them, Grag's sisters themselves will see to tidying the room daily.” She turned a severe glance on her son. “Don't abuse that, Grag, however humorous you might find it.”