“We have company.”

Ethan swears, body no longer under his control as the orgasm steals his coordination and makes his mind a blank space capable of only one sensation.

A hot burst of wetness soaks the inside of my thighs. So much for not making a mess.

chapter thirteen



There’s an officer, Ethan.”

Her words are slow to compute through the orgasm buzz. “What?”

Lilah’s eyes are wide, her hands covering mine on her hips. I realize she’s trying to pry them off. “Police car!”

I glance down to where she’s barely hovering over my still-pulsing cock. Fuuuck. Well, that’s a right mess. It’d be a hot one if we weren’t about to get caught. I release Lilah and she flops down on the passenger seat. She quickly fixes her bra, pulls her dress back into place, and fans her hair across her shoulders.

I have no choice but to tuck myself into my boxers, which are just as much a mess as the inside of Lilah’s thighs. That image is going to be coming with me on my away game tomorrow, and probably until the end of time.

I glance at Lilah as I zip my fly, noting the heat in her cheeks and the wet spots appearing on her skirt. “Oh my God,” she mutters, running her fingers through her tousled strands in an attempt to put herself back in order. She grabs her purse and sets it in her lap to cover the mess.

“Don’t worry. I got this,” I tell her, just as the officer knocks on my window.

I roll it down and smile with relief when I recognize him as a member of Lilah’s class in high school. I rack my brain for his name and manage to siphon it out of my memory.

“Hey, Luke.” I try my best to come off as nonchalant, but the fogged-up windows aren’t much help. Neither is the smell of sex wafting out, I’m sure.

Luke’s bored, slightly put-out expression changes to surprised amusement. “Ethan Kase? Well, shit, man! Congrats on the trade. Nice to have you playing on the right team for once.”

“It’s nice to be home,” I reply, meaning it.

He holds out his hand and I reach to take it but make a fist instead. “Props might be a better idea. I, uh … need to wash my hands.”

Lilah slaps me on the arm closest to her and mutters my name. Her eyes are comically wide, face turning an incredible shade of red. Lilah makes a choking sound and goes back to sitting all prim-like, legs crossed over each other, purse clutched in her lap.

“DJ?” Luke’s smile falters as his eyes flare and understanding dawns.

She lifts her hand in a wave, voice cracking a little. “Hi, Luke. How’re you?”

“Good. Yeah. You’re looking … well.” He scratches at the edge of his collar, seeming a little uncomfortable now.

“Thanks; you’re looking well, too.” She lifts a hand as if she’s going to tuck her hair behind her ear but then thinks better of it. It’s a nervous habit. I’m sure getting caught is part of the reason, but I suspect there’s more, particularly considering the way he’s looking at her—with a mixture of something like possessiveness and disappointment.

“Job at Fairview going well, then?” he asks tightly. It’s at this moment I remember why I’m not fond of Luke. He had a thing for Lilah in high school. I’m pretty sure he was going to ask her out, but then I made it clear we were a thing, and he had no choice but to back off.

“Really good. Your sister and I work the same shift sometimes. She’s a real sweetie, great with the patients.”

He grins. “Yeah, she’s real good at taking care of people, just like you.”

Okay. I’m about done with the high school–crush, let’s-catch-up chitchat. “What can we do for you, Luke?”

His attention returns to me, eyes narrowed, lips pressed into a line. “Got a call a little while ago about a truck out here in McFarlane’s field. Said it’d been here a long time, more than half an hour. It’s a popular place for teenagers looking for some privacy. Course you don’t need that, since DJ’s house isn’t far. Guessing you decided to take a trip down memory lane.” His derision makes me bristle.

“Remember when we all came out here in senior year with those bottles of peach schnapps?” Lilah cuts in, her attempt to calm the testosterone storm raging between us obvious.

“Got us outta here without getting caught, didn’t I?” He winks.

Lilah laughs, high, nervous. “Saved me from getting grounded all of second semester! My mom would’ve killed me if she’d known what we were getting up to.”

Luke’s grin is wide and knowing. “Glad I could rescue you. Otherwise you would’ve missed out on all the best parties.”

Yeah, this is turning into bullshit. He’s way too familiar with her, and I don’t like that she’s pacifying him. “I guess we should probably get off McFarlane’s property. Don’t want to make the old man angry.”

“Yeah. Probably wouldn’t look good on you getting a trespassing charge, being a hometown NHL player and all.” He’s smiling, but it’s more of a sneer than anything. He slaps the side panel. “Anyway. Good to see you again, DJ. You know where to find me if you ever need anything.” He throws another wink her way. “See you around, Ethan.”