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On the drawing I could see the outline of a castle that was all too familiar. That's it, I said solemnly. That's where I was in my last dream. Where the hell is it? Italy, the island of Capri, Lenobia answered for him. It's the ancient site of the first Vampyre High Council. It only moved to Venice after 79 A.D. I was glad to see several faces with question marks on them. Damien obviously didn't have one of them. In his schoolteacher's voice he said, Vampyres were the patrons of Pompeii. Vesuvius erupted in August of 79 A.D. Everyone was still blinking like big, dumb gold-fish at him, so he sighed and continued. Capri is an island not far from Pompeii. Oh, yeah, I remember reading somethin' 'bout that in the history chapter, Stevie Rae said. I didn't remember because I hadn't ever read the chapter, and by the way Shaunee and Erin were fidgeting, they hadn't either.

Big surprise. Okay, that's interesting, and, yeah, that's the island. But why would he go there if the High Council hasn't been there for a bazillion years? I asked. He wants to bring back the ancient ways, Stark said. He's said it over and over. So is he at the palace in San Clemente or Capri? I said, still confused. Twitter says he went in front of the High Council with Neferet just a couple of hours ago. So he's there now, Jack said. But I'll bet his base is on Capri, Stark said. So it looks like we'll be making a trip to Italy, Damien said. I hope you peasants have your passports in order, Aphrodite said.

Chapter Twenty-nine

Oh, don't be so hateful, Aphrodite, Stevie Rae said. You know all fledglings get passports as soon as they're Marked. It's part of the whole I'm an emancipated teen' thing. Good thing I have a passport, Heath said. Even though I'm not Marked. To stop myself from yelling "You're not going--you'll get killed for sure" at Heath and embarrassing the bejesus outta him, I made myself focus on logistics. Anyone know how we're getting to Italy? First class, I hope, Aphrodite muttered. That will be the easy part. We'll simply take the House of Night's jet, Lenobia said. Or rather, you and your group will. I'll authorize it, but I won't be going. You won't go with us? My stomach dropped. Lenobia was wise and so well thought of in the vamp community that even Shekinah had respected her. We needed her to go with us. I needed her to go with us! She can't, Jack said. We looked at him in surprise. She has to stay here with Dragon and be sure the school doesn't go completely over to the Dark Side, 'cause whatever it is Kalona can do, he's still doing it even though he's not here.

Lenobia smiled at Jack. You're absolutely right. I can't leave the House of Night right now. Her gaze went around the room, touching on each of us and finally coming to rest on me. You can lead them. You've been leading them. Just keep doing what you've been doing. But I've messed up! More than once! And I don't even know if I can trust myself around Kalona! I wanted to shriek. Instead, I tried to speak in my grown-up voice.

But someone has to tell the High Council what's really going on with Neferet and Kalona. I can't do that. I'm just a fledgling. No, Zoey, you're our High Priestess, the first fledgling High Priestess, and they will listen to you because Nyx is with you. It's obvious to me. It was obvious to Shekinah. It will be obvious to them, as well. I wasn't so sure, but everyone was giving me big smiles of encouragement, which really just made me want to barf my guts up. Rather than puking or my second choice, bursting into tears, I said, When do we leave? As soon as possible, Lenobia said. We have no idea how much damage Kalona is doing right now.

Think of the disaster he wrought here in only a matter of days. It's almost dawn. We're going to have to wait for the sun to set. Stark's voice was tight with frustration. Because I would imagine now that the ice storm is over, the sun will actually be visible, and that means Stevie Rae and I will fry getting to the plane. You leave here at sunset, Lenobia said. Until then, pack, eat, and rest. I'll take care of the arrangements. I don't think Zoey should stay on San Clemente Island, Stark said. He turned to Darius for support. Don't you agree it's a bad idea for her to stay exactly where Aphrodite saw her drowning? Stark, she also saw me getting decapitated right here in Tulsa. It didn't happen, though, because my friends didn't turn their backs on me. Where I am isn't as important as the fact that I know I'm in danger, and I'm surrounded by people who have my back.

But she saw me with you! If I can't protect you, who can? I can, Darius said. Air can, too, Damien said. Fire can kick some butt, Shaunee said. I got water, and I'm sure as hell not letting Zoey drown, Erin said indignantly. Earth will always protect Zoey, Stevie Rae said, though her expressive eyes seemed sad. I'm annoyingly human, but I'm still mean. If someone gets by Darius, you, and the nerd of herd, they'll have to go through me, too, said Aphrodite. Add one more annoying to that human, fledgling, and vamp soup, Heath said. See, I told Stark as I blinked hard to keep the tears that had filled my eyes from overflowing. It's not all on you. We're in this together. Stark's gaze held mine, and I could see how tortured he was. To have an oath-bound High Priestess be killed was every warrior's nightmare. Just the mention that Aphrodite had seen him there, and then seen me being killed anyway, had been enough to completely shake Stark's confidence.