Page 50

“It will pass. How is your control?”

I tested my power again. “I think it’s good.”

“There is only one way to know for sure. Please, do not move from this spot.” Aine stood and went into the bedroom. I heard the door open, and I started to rise when I felt the soft caress of butterfly wings against my mind. Nikolas!

I was halfway out of my chair when static began to crackle across my skin. No! I fell back into the chair and grabbed for the power fighting to break away from me. Suddenly, Nikolas’s presence was gone and my power receded. Tears burned my eyes, and I found it hard to breathe as the reality of what had just happened hit me.

Nate scooted his chair over and put an arm across my shoulders to draw me close. “It’s going to be okay. You just woke up. In a day or two, you’ll be back to your old self again.”

My heart ached at the thought of having Nikolas so close and not being able to see him. But Nate was right; I was still very tired and weak. I just had to get through the next few days and everything would be okay. I refused to think about any other outcome.

A phone rang in the bedroom, and Nate went to answer it. He came out onto the balcony, handed it to me, and said he’d come back later.

I knew who was on the other end without hearing his voice. “Nikolas?” My voice cracked.

“I’m here,” he said. “Don’t cry.”

My tears spilled over. “I’m sorry.”

“You have nothing to apologize for. The faeries explained what is happening with your power.”

“I could have killed you.” Saying the words made them real, and my body began to shake.

“But you didn’t.”

I sniffled and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. “I don’t know how long it’ll be before I can see you again.”

“I know.” He exhaled slowly. “I’m not going anywhere, and we can talk like this whenever you want to. You just focus on getting better.”

“I will.”

“Good. Now tell me, how do you feel?”

“A bit weak.”

“But you aren’t in any pain?”

“No pain,” I assured him. “Aine said I’m over the worst of it.”

His voice softened. “She told me that, too.”

A yawn hit me. I couldn’t believe I was still tired after sleeping for a week. I covered my mouth to hide it.

“You need to rest.”

“I’m fine,” I blurted, not wanting him to go.

He chuckled. “Liar. Get some sleep. We can talk again when you wake up.”

“Okay,” I conceded unhappily.

We hung up and I rested my head against the tall back of my chair. Nikolas was safe and I could talk to him even if I couldn’t see him. That would have to be enough for now.

“Well, it’s about time you got your lazy butt out of bed.”

I jerked awake from my nap as Roland strolled out onto the balcony with Peter trailing behind him. The sight of them instantly raised my spirits. “Hey, guys.”

The boys sat across from me, and their eyes immediately locked on the plate of uneaten pastries and fruit. I pulled the plate out of their reach and shook my head. “Faerie food.”

Aine appeared in the doorway and laughed at their crestfallen expressions. “Heb says he has never seen anything like a werewolf’s appetite. I will have him prepare a meal for you boys.”

Roland watched Aine leave. “Why didn’t you ever tell us your faerie friend was so hot?”

I rolled my eyes. “She’s a sylph. What did you expect?”

Peter stretched out his legs. “You look pretty good for someone who’s been asleep for a week. Feeling better?”

“Hundred percent better than the last time I saw you. I’m still a bit tired, but Aine said that’s normal. I can’t believe I slept for a whole week.”

Roland’s smile faded. “Eldeorin said you were in pretty bad shape and he had to put you to sleep to calm you down.”

“I was upset because we left you guys there with all those vampires.”

Peter snorted. “We totally kicked their asses. I don’t think those suckers expected to find a bunch of warriors and two werewolves waiting for them. It didn’t even last five minutes.” He and Roland took turns telling me about the fight I’d missed.

“Those Mohiri don’t mess around, especially Nikolas,” Roland said. “That man is downright scary in a fight.”

“How’s he been?”

Roland made a face. “Imagine a polar bear with a sore tooth. Now imagine sharing a house with one.”

“Please, get better soon so he’ll stop growling at everyone,” Peter begged, making me laugh.

I steered the conversation away from Nikolas because I was tired of being weepy. “What about Greg? Did he go home?”

“He’s staying with his cousin and aunt in Dallas for a week before he heads back to Philly,” Roland said. “He calls every day to check on you.”

Peter leaned forward in his chair. “Before we left LA, Greg told Nikolas that he’d better take care of you, or else.”

I could easily picture Greg going toe-to-toe with Nikolas. “What did Nikolas say?”

“He said Greg didn’t have to worry about you anymore, and then Greg said you would always be his concern. Nikolas wasn’t too happy about that.”

Uh-oh. “What did he do?”