Page 82

“Yeah, a ride-along with a Chow,” Darius commented.

“She got in a f**kin’ quick draw with a hit man in broad daylight and she was armed with a goddamned taser!” Eddie snapped.

“It’s none of your business, Eddie, but she and I made a deal,” Lee said.

“Yeah, I heard. A deal struck while she was cuffed to your bed. Christ, I never thought I’d see the day when you were led around by your dick,” Eddie returned.


Them’s fightin’ words.

I chanced a glance to Ally and even she’d gone pale.

“Boys,” Darius said low.

“You know, I’m almost compelled to let you have her for a week and see if you can control her,” Lee put in.

Um… say what?

“I’d take a crack at that,” Eddie replied.

Oh… my… God.

“Er… I think there’s something I forgot to tell you,” Ally whispered at my side but I wasn’t listening.

“Yeah, I noticed that,” Lee said and his voice had gone scary. “A kiss on the neck, your hand down her f**kin’ pants. I’m warnin’ you, Eddie, it’s the three strike rule.”

“Uh… Indy?” Ally said.

“Shh!” I shushed her.

“I told you a year ago to make your move or I would. Now you have and I get to the station and I hear she’s runnin’ through a Highlands neighborhood, her hands cuffed behind her back, tear gas in her face, Coxy’s ass**les shootin’ at her and some crazy ex-con takin’ a bullet for her. What the f**k is that all about?”

“Eddie,” Darius said, obviously trying to break the tension, “this is Indy we’re talking about. That sounds like a normal Saturday night.”

No one laughed.

There was silence and it was heavy.

Then Eddie said, “You f**k it up with her, I won’t hesitate, do you hear what I’m sayin’?”

Ally grabbed my arm and I jumped. The hit man was mostly conscious and staring at us.

“What the f**k?” he slurred.

“Shut up,” I said to the hit man, jiggling the gun at him threateningly and turned to Ally, jerking my head to the door. “Did you hear that?” I stage whispered.

Ally didn’t look happy.

“I heard it.”

“What was that?” I asked.

“Well.” Ally went from looking not happy to looking uncomfortable. Ally rarely looked uncomfortable and I knew I wasn’t going to like what was coming. “The thing is, see…”

“Spit it out!” I snapped.

“Okay, you know about a year ago when Eddie and Lee stopped talking to each other?”

“No, I don’t know. I was avoiding Lee remember? I told you, like, a million times.”

“Well, about a year ago, Eddie and Lee stopped talking to each other.”

“Great, thanks,” I said.

“Anyway,” Ally went on. “Hank told me that Eddie’s had a thing for you for awhile though he’s kept his distance because everyone knew how you felt about Lee and everyone was waiting for Lee to do something about it. It’s been kind of a sticky situation seeing as they’re best friends.”

Dear Lord in Heaven.

Just what I needed, my life to be that much more f**ked up.

“And?” I asked.

“Last year, Eddie lost patience and told Lee if he didn’t take care of business, Eddie would move in.”

Holy crap!

“No way,” I breathed.

Ally nodded.

“Why didn’t you tell me this?” I asked.

“You were avoiding Lee and Eddie’s hot. I thought if I told you about Eddie you might give up on Lee and I’d never have a niece named after me.”

I looked at the hit man who was watching us closely and told him, “Don’t think in the crazy-ass soap opera that is my life that I’ve forgotten about you. Or you,” I said to Rosie.

I stared them both down and they both settled in. Clearly I was looking like a woman who wanted to be given the excuse to shoot someone.

“How long has Eddie had this thing?” I asked Ally.

Ally shrugged. “According to Hank, it ran parallel with your thing for Lee.”

Holy shit.

“How parallel?”

“Apparently, last year was not the first fight they had over you. Remember when Lee showed up to pick us up from that Haunted House and he had blood on his shirt and we could tell his nose had been bleeding? We saw Eddie later at Andrea’s party and he was shitfaced and his eye was swollen?”

I remembered, kind of. It was my senior year, I was seventeen. Lee had blood on his shirt a lot back then and Eddie was also a brawler. I thought they’d been in a fight against other people (which happened a lot), not with each other.

“Me?” I asked.

“You. That wasn’t the first and obviously not the last,” Ally answered.

I didn’t know what to do with this information. I didn’t even want to know this information.

“I think it’s time to step into Denial Zone,” I told Ally.

“That would be my advice,” Ally replied.

I was thinking that being with Lee I was going to spend a lot of time in Denial Zone.

Lee and Eddie came back in. Body language was not good. Darius was gone.

Without a word to us, they both got on the phone.

Lee called the office for a ride.

Eddie called the station.

When Eddie was done, he said to the couch at large, “You’re under arrest.”

The hit man’s expression didn’t change.

“Me? What’d I do?” Rosie cried, clearly forgetting he was a primo pot farmer and unfortunately that was still an illegal substance.

Eddie stared at him and if looks could burn, Rosie would be scalded. “I’ll think of something.”

Lee was off the phone and looking at Ally.

“Later, we’re gonna talk,” he said to her.

“You gonna offer me a job?” She smiled at him.

Lee was not in a joking mood. His eyes swung to me. “Rosie’s found. Our arrangement is over.”

I was beginning to allow the fact that I’d just seen Scary Darius, the fact that I’d not only tasered but flashed a hit man and the news that Eddie was attracted to me to penetrate my Denial Zone Fortress. Regardless of that, most of the day had been good, some of it real good, and to be honest, I kinda liked being out on the job with Lee. It was fascinating and the last part was a serious rush.