I didn’t know how to tell it like it was but I looked at the kids staring at me and I knew I had to try.

“All right, folks, listen up,” I started. “We hear you talking about going out, thinking to avenge Park, but I’m telling you right now, you’re not going to do it. I see any of you kids on the streets, getting into different kinds of trouble than you normally find, I’ll shut you down myself. Got me?”

I was channeling Crowe Speak to make my point. Nothing gets the word across like talking like a badass mother when they thought you were a badass mother.

They all just stared at me.

“Got me?” I snapped.

The door opened but I ignored it thinking that it was just more kids arriving.

“Where’s Shard?” someone called to me. “He ain’t on the streets. Is Nightingale torturing him?”

“Yeah, you bring ‘em down and the Nightingale guys take ‘em in and make ‘em pay. Is that how it is?” someone else threw in.

I looked at the ceiling then I looked at May then I looked back at the room. Where did they get this shit?

“No, the Nightingale Investigation Team is not torturing Shard,” I answered.

At least, I didn’t think they were.

“Where is he then?” another kid called out.

“I don’t know, maybe at church, praying for his sins,” I replied.

Some kids laughed. One kid called out another question.

“You flip Jermaine like they said? Kick him in the nuts?”

“I’m not discussing what happened last night,” I said in my word-is-law voice.

“She did, it was f**king awesome,” Curtis called out, ignoring my word-is-law voice.

“Yeah and she shot at Clarence, right by his foot. Swear to God, he jumped like a spider. He was all freaked out. Thought he’d shit in his pants,” Martin added.

“Boys, quiet. Curtis, don’t say f**k. Martin, don’t say shit.” Then I addressed the entire room. “This conversation is over.”

I was losing their attention. Something had caught it and several of the kids were looking toward the door.

I forged ahead to finish my point. “I’ll say it one last time, not one of you goes on the streets looking for trouble. You do…” I hesitated, not used to badass threatening then I remembered what Vance said to me when I aimed at his Harley, “there’ll be consequences.”

They weren’t paying attention at all anymore. Most of the kids were staring at the door, some with wide eyes, some with mouths hanging open.

“Sweet baby Jesus,” May breathed from beside me.

I looked at the door. Vance, Lee and Luke were all standing there.

Vance was wearing a black turtleneck, faded jeans, black cowboy boots and a black leather jacket that hung over his hips. His hair, as usual, was pulled back in a ponytail at the base of his neck and, above all, he looked hot.

He also looked like he was about ready to burst out laughing.

Lee was standing next to him, wearing an olive drab v-necked sweater, a white t-shirt under it, jeans, boots and a clay-colored suede jacket.

Luke was next to Lee wearing head-to-toe black, a tight black t-shirt that you could see stretching across his pecs under his black motorcycle jacket, black cargo pants and black boots.

Lee and Luke also looked highly amused. It was clear they’d heard every word.

“God dammit,” I muttered under my breath.

The boys advanced into the room coming at me. The kids watched, mesmerized, their heads moving with the progress of the Nightingale Men.

“Hi boys,” I said when they arrived.

Luke half-grinned. Lee’s eyes crinkled. Vance smiled at me flat out.

“Law,” Vance said.

I rolled my eyes at him for using my street name. If it could be believed, he looked even more amused at my eye roll.

“Hon,” May said from beside me, sounding slightly breathy. I looked to her and she was taking in the boys. “Hon,” she repeated. “Oh my, hon.” Now she was just looking at Crowe.

“May,” I said sharply to break through the Crowe Effect.

She blinked and looked at me. “What?”

“Snap out of it,” I whispered to her.

She shook her head. “Yeah, yeah, right.”

I introduced her. “Boys, this is May. May, this is Vance Crowe, Lee Nightingale and Luke Stark.”

They all turned amused looks to her.

She opened and closed her mouth a couple of times and then said in a breathy voice, “Hi ya’ll.”

I looked at Vance and shook my head. He just gave me one of his grins. This made my belly flutter, especially when my mind took that unfortunate moment to fast forward to what was supposed to happen later that night. It was like he read my mind and his grin turned wicked. I frowned. When I did so, I wasn’t sure, but it looked like he was again trying hard not to laugh.

“We need to talk,” Lee cut in to Vance and my bizarre nonverbal exchange but he was looking around at all the kids watching us. “You have somewhere private?” he asked when he turned to me.

May threw up a hand. “I’ll go check. See if one of the counseling rooms is open. Won’t be a minute.” Then she whirled and trotted off.

I looked back at The Boys. “What’s up?” I asked.

“Private,” Luke said and at this single word I sucked in my lips thinking this was not good.

“Hey Crowe,” Sniff greeted, as if Crowe was his best friend and they hung out all the time. He came up on one side of me.

Roam silently moved in at my other side.

“Sniff,” Crowe replied then he looked at Roam who was standing between Vance and I. “Roam,” he said.

Roam nodded his greeting.

“Throw rocks at any dealers lately?” Crowe asked.

Roam’s body jerked, not sure if Crowe was f**king with him in a good way or a bad way and I watched them both closely.

“No,” Roam answered hesitantly.

“Too bad,” Luke put in, “Shard won’t forget you anytime soon.”

Roam’s eyes swung to Luke and I saw hope fill them for a second, before he hid it. “Yeah?” Roam asked, trying to be cool.

“Yeah,” Luke answered. “Not sure that’s a good thing, kid. We let him go; he may come lookin’ for you.”

Roam’s body went stiff, whether from fear or what he thought was an admonishment from Stark, I couldn’t tell.