May and I had brought a lunch of calzones from Pasquini’s for the boys and Shirleen and we were consuming them and giggling ourselves silly while watching Tex and Duke argue about what happened at Kent State (though, I didn’t understand what the argument was about considering it sounded like they both agreed) when Vance got tense and he leaned forward.

He turned down the volume to the Fortnum’s monitor and moved to the monitor that showed a visual of the reception area.

Shirleen was sitting behind the reception desk, consuming her own calzone while alternately painting her fingernails, a mean feat, and a woman had walked in.

I looked at her and liked her immediately.

Tall, curvy, super-pretty and definitely cool in a female James Dean, throw-away-cool type of way. She was wearing a pair of very faded Levi’s, so faded, they were worn nearly through in some advantageous areas; a pair of black flip flops; a black Green Day t-shirt over a white thermal; silver rings on nearly every finger; several silver necklaces around her neck; a mess of silver bracelets on both her wrists and wide silver hoops at her ears. Her long, streaked-blonde hair was up in a twisty, untidy knot with chunks falling around her face in a way that looked artless and kickass.

Her look was sah-weet. She had Rock Chick written all over her.

Vance turned up the volume to the reception monitor in time for us to hear Shirleen say, “… help you?”

The woman was looking at Shirleen and she didn’t look happy. Why, I couldn’t fathom, but she looked like she wanted to be anywhere but there and was about ready to turn on her flip flop and leave.

She hesitated for a moment then said, “I’m looking for Lucas Stark.”


I drew in breath.

“You got an appointment with Luke?” Shirleen asked, looking through the total mess on her desk as if she actually kept appointments for Luke. Luke didn’t even take appointments. Luke was wherever Luke was and if you caught him you could count yourself lucky.

“No, I’m an…” the woman hesitated, licked her lips and said, “old friend.”

“Holy f**k,” Monty muttered under his breath, staring at the monitors with a pained expression and shaking his head, “here we go again.”

May and I looked at each other and grinned.

“He ain’t here, girl, you want, I can call him,” Shirleen told her.

“No,” the woman said quickly and she sounded downright relieved. “I’ll just…” she hesitated again and looked around. She still looked tense and I was pretty certain she was about to bolt. “Forget it. Could you please just tell him Ava Barlow was here? I’ll try to catch him later.”

Yep, I was right, she was about to bolt. Vance picked up the phone and hit a button.

Shirleen was smiling huge. “No problem to give him a bell. I got his number on speed dial.”

“No!” Ava cried suddenly them continued. “Really, thanks, but I’ll just go, I’ve got to be somewhere anyway.” She was edging away, definitely losing it now. She was beginning to look jittery.

I heard Mace laughing softly behind me.

Vance spoke into the phone. “Luke,” pause, “you got a visitor.” I could hear the smile in Vance’s voice even though his face was turned away. “Says her name’s Ava Barlow.”

“Just hang on one tick,” Shirleen said, getting up, waving her hands to dry her nails, “I’ll just talk to the boys in the back. Maybe they know where he is.”

In the surveillance room, Vance said into the phone. “Looks scared as a f**kin’ jackrabbit. She’s about to take off.” Immediately, his eyes sliced to Mace and he did a flick of his hand, index finger pointed to the door saying, “Luke’ll be here in five.”

Mace disappeared and seconds later we saw him hit the reception area and move to block the exit.

“Luke just called in,” Mace lied to the staring Ava (it was hard not to stare at Mace, especially upon first sight of him). “He’ll be here in five.”

I could swear I saw Ava’s face grow pale.

“I’m thinkin’ Ava Barlow don’t have a prayer,” May whispered to me but she was looking at the monitor and her whole body was shaking with laughter.

I found myself hoping Ava Barlow was good enough for Luke Stark and thinking that was a tall order.

She liked Green Day though so I figured that was a start.

Vance put down the phone and sat back, picking up his calzone. His gaze moved to me and mine moved to him.

His eyes were amused but soft and sweet and he had that “mine” look on his face. These days it was less intense, less raw, more settled, more content and I liked that.

I liked it a lot.

Home, I heard Auntie Reba say in my head.

I know, I said back.

My pug puppy curled up in my mental lap and sighed a happy puppy sigh.

My eyes still on Vance, I smiled.