So finally, nose bloodied, face cut, ribs burning and after he’d spit up blood the second time, Roam feigned being knocked out and went down.

And he waited.

Shard stood over Roam, Roam felt him there instead of opening his eyes. He listened as Shard called someone and said, “Got Roam. Tell the bitch I’m at Cordova’s. She comes alone or I put a bullet in his brain.”

Then he flipped his phone shut and waited.

Roam hoped Law wasn’t stupid enough to come alone. He’d never seen her in action personally but Martin and Curtis said she was the shit.

Still, Roam hoped she’d send Crowe.

* * * * *


Hector stopped his car and turned to me.

“Let’s roll,” he said.

I went out my side, he went out his.

He disappeared into the night.

I ran to the house Hector told me was Cordova’s, one block and three houses down.

Hector, still trying to protect his cover, couldn’t be seen. He was running backup for me only if I needed it and while he was positioning himself at the back of the house I was going to the front.

I hadn’t brought my phone and Hector didn’t know who had his tapped. We figured I could call the police or Vance once I sorted out Cordova. It wouldn’t take long.

It was a stupid plan.

* * * * *


Bobby watched Vance shoot out of the underground parking area on his Harley.

He had his earpiece in his ear, phone on in his jacket pocket.

Bobby eyes were on the GPS screen and he was going to give Vance directions to Cordova’s house via speakerphone.

By the time Vance made it up to the offices, Bobby had heard Hector telling Jules why he’d broken in. Bobby had already had the GPS directions to Cordova’s house on screen when Vance opened the door and stuck his torso in.

“Keys,” Vance had said, obviously not intent on hanging around, he tossed the keys to Bobby without fully entering the room.

“We got a situation,” Bobby told him after he’d nabbed the keys, “Law.”

Vance’s face got tight and without hesitation he entered the room. Bobby briefed him in thirty seconds.

Vance had his earphone in his ear before the door to the surveillance room closed behind him.

“Turn left,” Bobby told Vance.

Jesus, Cordova’s a f**kin’ idiot, Bobby thought, Crowe’s gonna feed him his balls for dinner.

“Next street, turn right,” Bobby said out loud.

* * * * *


The phone rang beside the bed. Lee gently rolled away from the soft, warm body of a dead-to-the-world Indy and snatched his cell off the night table, flipped it open and put it to his ear.

“Yeah?” he answered.

“Lee,” it was Darius.

Lee got tense.

Darius went on. “Shard’s in town. He’s got one of Law’s kids. Roam.”

“Fuck,” Lee clipped.

Lee was out of bed, dressed and out of the house in two minutes.

Indy didn’t wake.

* * * * *


Shirleen was pacing her living room.

The phone rang and she pounced on it.

“What?” she snapped.

“He’s got the brother. Kid’s name is Roam,” Darius told her.

Shirleen closed her eyes. “Call Lee.”

“Already did. We need to find Law’s other kid. I need Daisy’s number.”

“I called her. She’s got Marcus on it.”

“I’ll call Marcus.”


Shirleen sat down on her white couch. She put her elbows to her knees and her head in her hands and for the first time in a long time, she prayed.

* * * * *


Luke listened to the phone ringing in his ear, it rang twice before connect.


“Lee. I got Sniff. He says Shard’s back in town. He’s got Roam. I’m headed to Cordova’s.”

“Why’re you headed to Cordova’s?”

“Sniff says Shard’s there. He looked through the window. He says Cordova is dead, Roam isn’t in good shape. I found Sniff runnin’ down Colfax headed to Law.”

“Darius called, told me about Shard and Roam, though he didn’t know where he was,” there was a pause then, “fuck!” Lee exploded and Luke’s mouth tightened as he heard Lee uncharacteristically lose control. “Luke, I don’t have a good feeling about this.”

Luke didn’t either. He had a f**king shitty feeling about this.

“Sniff’s leading me to the house, he doesn’t know the address. I’ll get it to you when I get there,” Luke said.

“I’ll call the office for directions,” Lee returned, “out.”


Luke drove, Sniff gave directions. The kid had gotten control, stopped crying, wiped his face on his sweatshirt and was pointing the way with more certainty than Luke would have expected him to in his state.

Luke’s phone rang again.

Luke flipped it open and put it to his ear. “Yeah?”

“Pick up the speed, Luke,” Lee said. “I called the office. Hector got word about Roam, for some f**kin’ reason he went for Law to get him. She’s probably already there. Out.”


“Fuck!” Luke snarled, flipped the phone shut, threw it on the dash, put his foot down and the Porsche shot forward.

* * * * *


Never, not in a million years, would I have thought Sal Cordova would have hurt Roam.

He wanted me then he was going to get me.

But he wouldn’t hurt Roam.

Maybe bore him to death with idiot stories about being a supposed ladies man but that wouldn’t be physically painful, just mentally painful.

That’s why, just like Luke, I went up to the front door, cocky as all hell, knocked three times and shouted, “It’s Jules!”

Then without hesitation I pulled out my gun, put my hand to the door handle, turned it and went in.

I saw in a quick heart-stopping scan of the room that considering Sal was dead, not just dead, very dead, that I was right, he couldn’t hurt Roam.

I also saw that somehow Roam was hurt, unconscious and bloody and lying on the floor.

Without a thought (I really should have thought), I ran into the room toward Roam but to my surprise he surged up shouting, “Law!” his eyes behind me.