I wished I could turn on a light. I’d never seen him asleep. He was always up before or with me.

I studied him. There was something about him asleep from what I could see in the near-dark, he seemed almost… boyish.

God, I wanted to kiss him as in really wanted to kiss him.

This gave me pause for reflection. Not as to why I’d want to kiss him because that was obvious but as to why I didn’t. He was my boyfriend (or whatever). We were exclusive. He was sleeping in my bed. We’d had incredible sex not seven hours earlier.

Why not? Why couldn’t I kiss him?

So I kissed him.

Not a full-on, full tongue, let’s-have-sex-right-now kiss but I touched my lips to his.

When I pulled back, his eyes were open.

“Good morning,” I said and smiled.

He stared at me and he didn’t look boyish anymore.


Maybe I shouldn’t have kissed him.

As he kept staring at me, my smile began to fade.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake –” I started.

Then he moved, arms going around me, body rolling in to me, thigh pressing between my legs, mouth on mine.

His kiss was a full-on, full tongue, we’re-going-to-have-sex-right-now kiss and I responded. I had no choice however if I was given one I’d have said yes.

He was all over me and it became clear very quickly he wasn’t in the mood for me to be all over him. I figured this out because he eventually pinned my hands to the bed, his at my wrists and he did magnificent things to my mouth, neck and br**sts with his mouth and tongue and, shockingly but very effectively, with his teeth.

When I was making noises I couldn’t control and struggling at his hands in order to touch him, he went lower, letting my wrists go so he could spread my legs then his mouth was there.

Yay! My brain screamed.

My hands slid into his hair, his hands tilted my h*ps and very shortly after I was panting, rocketing to Grade Ten with my entire body on fire and enjoying the ride.

“Vance,” I whispered, coming close.

He kept going and my rocket ride kept ascending.

“Vance,” I breathed before I hit the stratosphere, dazzled by the stars and Vance came up over me. I was still flying high when he rolled us, him on his back, me on top. He pulled up my knees so I was astride him, came up with me and reached to the shelf, nabbing a condom.

“I’ll do it,” I whispered, still breathing heavily.


Obviously he didn’t feel like playing around. One second he was tearing the packet open with his white teeth, the next second he was inside me.

My head fell back.

He rolled again, him on top of me but not for very long. He kept my legs bent, lifted up his torso, coming to his knees, he pulled up my h*ps and drove into me. The whole time he moved inside me, he was watching me and I was watching him.

Even though he was far away, the intimacy of our connection, the beauty of him, the way he was watching me with that fierce “mine” look on his face overwhelmed me and although I’d descended to a Grade Six or Seven after my orgasm, it started coming over me again.

It was helped when his hand took mine, moving it between us so I could feel him sliding inside me then his fingers pressed mine deep, just at the right spot and manipulated them. It didn’t take long before I let go, saying his name again.

* * * * *

While Vance went to the bathroom, I laid in bed thinking that I’d spend my newly-free evenings trying to learn how to knit so I could make Vance sweaters.

I was mentally designing a sexy turtleneck when the alarm sounded. I rolled over and slapped the off button, rolled back and cuddled into the pillows.

Boo said, “Meow,” which meant “Breakfast.”

“Not now, Boo, Mommy just had two orgasms. She’s recovering.”

Boo was not impressed with this new and unusual excuse and gave me a kitty pouty face.

Vance came back and curled me into his arms, full frontal, thigh pressing between my legs so I was forced to wrap one around his hip.

“What was that?” I asked him.


“What you just did.”

He grinned his shit-eating grin. “It was good morning.”

“Good” didn’t quite cover it.

He sure did “good morning” a lot better than me.

“Next time I get to pin your hands down to the bed and have my wicked way with you,” I said.

I wanted to try the teeth thing on him that was nice.

He didn’t answer but he looked amused.

“No, seriously. It’s only fair,” I said.

“You could try.”


He said, “try”.


I was feeling too mellow to bicker.

“What’s on for your day?” he asked.

“First up, doctor’s appointment,” I started but Vance interrupted, the remnants of his amused look faded and his body got tense.


“Why what?”

“Why are you goin’ to the doctor?”


“Are you okay?”

I felt that whoosh of warmth through my belly at his concern and I couldn’t help but smile at him. “Yeah, we just need to discuss, erm…” Why was this embarrassing? He’d just had his mouth between my legs. I told myself to get over it and forged on. “Contraception.”

His body relaxed and he kissed my forehead. “That’d be good,” he said softly, “then what?”

“Work. I need to get to Fortnum’s, break it to Tex that his nights as a sidekick will be short-lived. Then I’m going to the hobby shop and picking up a How-To-Knit Kit.”

I didn’t know if there was such a thing as a How-To-Knit-Kit but I didn’t have time to wonder for long because Vance’s body started to shake with laughter.

“How to knit?” he asked, voice still amused.

“Yeah, I’ll need to do something in the evenings that doesn’t involve getting me kidnapped and other things that freak me out. I tried baking. That, as you could see, didn’t work. Now I’m going to try knitting.”

Knitting didn’t burn when Daisy came over to give you an impromptu facial and you forgot it so I thought it was a safe bet.

He rolled into me so he was partly on top of me, partly at my side. He was shaking his head and he had that look on his face, the look that said I was too adorable for words. His hand went to the side of my head and his fingers ran through my hair.