Page 33
Even if I invite her up to visit, we won’t have much in the way of alone time. She’d have to stay in a cabin with other people. I’ll be in with the male counselors. Sex would be off the table. There’d be zero privacy, and humping on her in the forest, while fun, could prove problematic. There’s no coed business going on at camp since the junior counselors are usually a bunch of horny almost-adults.
When I went to hockey camp as a teenager, I always had the most insane hard-ons. They were a pain in the ass to get rid of, until I became a senior counselor. Then I got to break all the rules I made everyone else follow. Nature makes me wanna get my fuck on. I don’t know why. If I’d been put in a coed room, it would’ve turned into a damn orgy. Okay, probably not, but I would’ve dreamed about it becoming an orgy.
The sheets tent at my waist thanks to my reminiscing. It would be nice to have Sunny there with me, even if we can’t get naked. She’d get to see me doing something other than playing hockey and being an asshole on social media. I’d get to spend more time with her, in an environment where I know she’d have fun. The only real issue would come from not being able to get all up inside her the entire time. On second thought, having her there might be like torture.
After last night, it’s gonna be a real challenge to keep my clothes on when we’re alone together. Sex with Sunny was way more intense than I’d expected. Even more amazing is that I pulled an orgasm hat trick of firsts on her: I made her come with my fingers, my tongue, my dick, and I gave her her first set of multiples. That beats out any other hat trick in the history of hat tricking. It’s a Super Hat Trick with the multiples thrown in there.
I’d tell Randy, but he might slip up and tell Lance, and Lance can’t keep his mouth shut about anything.
I want to tell someone, though. I find my phone, which ended up on the floor a long ways away from my pants. Cuing up my contacts, I call Violet. It’s after eleven, so she’s definitely awake. Sadly, it goes to voice mail.
“Hey, sis. Call me when you get this. I hat tricked last night, and my hat trick kicks Waters’ hat trick’s ass.”
My phone rings in the middle of my message, so I end my call with Violet to answer the one coming through. I can tell it’s my PA by the ring tone. I get it before it goes to voice mail.
“Hey, ’sup, Amber? How’s the portage trip going? You do battle with any bears yet?”
“No battle of the bears, thankfully. We got rained on last night. We’re taking a break for lunch. I thought I’d call you since we have decent reception on this leg of the trip. I’m so sorry you missed your flight. I thought I’d put enough reminders in your calendar, and then Violet told me you mixed up the times.”
“It’s cool. It’s not your fault. My phone died, and I had it in my head that I was leaving at nine, not six. You know how I am.”
“I should’ve been on top of that. I feel awful. I saw the social media insanity. How much trouble are you in with Sunny?”
“We’re good. We got things sorted.”
“Talked your way out of it, did you?” She doesn’t sound all that surprised.
I think about all the ways I made Sunny come last night. “It always looks worse than it is. But yeah, I managed to smooth things over.”
“So you found the box of condoms in the bag of gifts, then?”
“Box of condoms?”
“I got you two, in case you were extra busy.”
“No shit. You’re the best, Amber.”
“Remember that when the bill for my birthday present comes in this year.”
I don’t think she’s joking. “You’re always saving my ass, so you deserve whatever you choose—as long as it’s not a car.”
“Well, there goes that plan.” She sighs dramatically. “So I wanted to talk to you about the camp and some possible promotion opportunities.”
“You know how I feel about that—”
“Hear me out before you say no.”
I sigh, but give her the chance to try to sell me on whatever she’s planning before I shut her down.
“I think it would be a good idea for you to let one of the local papers come up and interview you.”
“You know I don’t do well in interviews.”
“You don’t do well in scripted interviews. You’re fine when there aren’t any lines to learn. It doesn’t have to be a big thing, just a few questions about your role at the camp.”
“It’ll be a circus.”
“It won’t. It’s small town out there, Miller. It’s not like being in Chicago where everyone goes crazy over you guys.”
“Okay. I’ll think about it. Oh, hey, Randy emailed me something about a car wash fundraiser out near the camp. I’m probably going to go with him if the timing works out.”
“Do you know who’s hosting it?” Amber asks.
“No. Some guy Randy knows from when he played for Toronto. Randy says he puts on a lot of events.”
“What’s the charity? Can you forward me any information?”
“It’s for breast cancer. And sure, I’ve got an email I can flip you.”
“Okay. Sounds good. I’ll make sure it’s on the up and up.”
Any cancer fundraiser gets me, and Amber knows it; so does Vi. “Okay. Yeah. And I’ll check with Balls.”
“Great. Perfect. Don’t forget you’re picking him up from the airport, either. I’m sending you his flight details. You’ll have time to connect with him before Sunday?”