She pushed a few more buttons on the keyboard. Another security feed popped up, and she saw that Charles was trying to input his code.

When the code didn’t work, there was no mistaking the look of terror on his face.

Then Charles glanced up. He would know where the small security camera was hidden. He stared right at that camera and mouthed, please.

“What happened to his face?” Jamie demanded. He’d crept up beside Dante. “Who is that guy with him?”

“Someone very dangerous,” Cassie said as she tried to keep her voice calm. “Jamie, will you go back to your room? Lock the door and stay there.”

His eyes widened. “Are they—vampires?” His main fear.

She knew that would always be his fear.

Cassie shook her head. “They’re the people who make the monsters.”

His eyes hardened. “Then they’re like you.”

The words hurt, but they were true. She nodded. “Yes.”

Dante growled. “Watch it, kid.”

She glanced at Dante. “Please, take Jamie to his room. Make sure he’s safe.”

He nodded, but still gave her a good glare as he ordered, “You stay here until I get back.”

Where was she going to go? Their main exit was currently blocked by a group of armed men.

Her gaze slid back to the security feed as Dante took Jamie away.

“Is there a way to get sound on that thing?” Cain asked.

She tapped the audio.

Heard nothing.

Then Jon’s gaze rose to the camera. He’d found it, too. “Hello, Cassie.”

Chill bumps rose on her arms. The audio was working just fine.

“That bastard sounds familiar to me,” Cain said as his gaze turned to Cassie. “Was he at Genesis?”

“Yes,” Cassie whispered. “Jon was a . . . successful experiment.” So they’d all claimed.

“Cassie, open the door and come out to me.” Jon’s voice was mild. And he kept smiling.

“He’s insane if he thinks you’re going out there,” Cain snapped.

Yes, he was insane. She could see that quite clearly.

“If you don’t come to me,” Jon continued in that same, almost relaxed, voice, “I’m afraid I’ll have to hurt your friend here, while you watch. You are watching, aren’t you, Cassie?”

She couldn’t look away. Her eyes were glued to the screen as—as flames flickered over Jon’s hand.


“What the hell?” Cain was leaning over the screen. “Is he a dragon shifter?”

“No,” Cassie whispered. The flames were so close to Charles.

“He’s a phoenix?”

“No,” she said. At least, he hadn’t been. “He was human when he entered the Genesis Program. He was given a splice of shifter DNA, but he wasn’t a phoenix.”

“I’ll give him a little burn,” Jon said, “just to show you how serious I am.”

He put those flames against Charles’s right arm.

Charles screamed.

So did Cassie. Her hand slammed down onto the intercom. “Stop!”

The flames died away in an instant. “Ah, Cassie, I knew you were there.” Jon stared up at the camera. At her. “Now be a good girl . . . and let me the f**k in.”

“What’s happening?” Jamie demanded, huffing out fast breaths.

Dante knew the kid was rushing to keep up with his footsteps, but there was no way they could slow down. He wanted the boy safe and secure, and he wanted to be back at Cassie’s side.

“Who was that guy with Charles? Is he—”

“He’s someone who should be dead.” Dante planned to correct that problem at the very first opportunity. He pushed open the door to Jamie’s room. “Stay here. Keep the door bolted, and no matter what you hear, don’t come out until I come back for you.”

Jamie’s eyes filled his face. “What are you going to do?”

“I’m gonna get rid of the unwelcome company at the door.” Dante turned away.

But Jamie grabbed his arm. “You won’t . . . die will you?” There was fear in the boy’s voice.

He had known fear too much in his short life.

“Death doesn’t stop me.”

Jamie’s lashes dropped. “You’re not scared of anything. I-I want to be like you.”

“No, trust me. You don’t.” When Jamie’s gaze lifted once more, Dante pointed at him. “Stay here. I’ll come back for you.”