Page 69

"Whatever you're doing it's not working Gavriel."

"I've got it under control."

"Bullshit! Aiden is in there hurt right now because of you. You couldn't keep up and we had to double back for you and got caught between two groups." Darian's voice sounded more frustrated than angry.

"Do you think I don't know that?!"

"Then do something about it! Vampiric transition is nothing to be ashamed of, so you're weaker than normal and need more blood, it's not like you slacked off training. How much longer do you have?" Meryn heard a heavy sigh.

"At least another month."

"A month? Gavriel you've been in transition for nearly two weeks now."

"I know."

"The longer the transition, the older the vampire; I've never met a vampire who needed six weeks for transition, just how old are you?" Darian's voice had a trace of fear.

"Old enough. I'll get the additional blood I need, but it's taking a while. I can't order all from one center or the Elders get suspicious. I have to do a lot of smaller orders."

"Shit. Okay. Listen, you do what you need to do, I'll do whatever I can to help cover for you." Darian promised. Meryn tiptoed back to the exit door and banged it open.

"There you two are. I need your help. Darian, can you go see if Adam needs anything? He's been in with Aiden since I got here." Darian nodded and went inside. Gavriel looked at her amused. She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Six weeks my ass." Meryn watched him, she didn't know how she knew he was lying but he was.

"Meryn it's very important that the Elders don't find out how old I am."

"I don't care if you have to make one massive order and tell the Elders to kiss your ass, what happened tonight, Aiden getting hurt, don't let it happen again."

"I promise."

Meryn felt like shit, he seemed so sad. "You're okay right?"

His face brightened. "Yes, I'm okay."

"Good. I have a job for you to do that may cover your ass until this transition thing is over."

"Do tell."

"Come on I'll show you." They went back to command central. Darian had already checked in with Adam and was waiting on them. Meryn went to her laptop and started her program. Smiling she picked up the handset.

"Gamma Kitten One, Gamma Kitten One, come back, over."

"Gamma Kitten One here, what's up Menace?" Meryn was going to kill Aiden for giving her that nickname.

"Reassign the two units in the city to the perimeter, over."

"But Menace, that will leave the city empty, over."

"Menace is good, Menace is wise. Trust the Menace, over."

"Aiden is right, you don't speak English, over."

Meryn stared down at the handheld then around the room. All she saw were blank expressions.

"Come on! That was Twister!" She stamped her foot. More blank stares. She pressed the button on the handheld.

"Just redeploy the men at the perimeter, over."

"Roger that, over and out."

"What in the hell do you think you're doing!" Meryn would have been relieved to hear Aiden's voice if he weren't yelling at her.

"I'm helping, I..."

"I am the Unit Commander, not you. These men are my responsibility and I won't allow them to be killed because you wanted to play around!"

"But I..." Meryn felt tears prick her eyes. Why wouldn't he listen?

"No! I've had enough of your antics Meryn, just go home and wait for me, at least then I'd know you're safe and not meddling." Aiden leaned against the doorway.

She handed the laptop to Gavriel and pointed to what she had wanted to show him. His eyes widened. She picked up her backpack and walked towards the door. She stood in front of Aiden feeling like he had stabbed her in the heart.

"And I was worried about you! Asshole!" She pulled her foot back and kicked him as hard as she could in the shin.

"Ow! Dammit Meryn!" She walked away; she didn't want to hear him complain about her anymore. She made it to the end of the hallway before the tears started falling. She stopped mid-step and covered her eyes with her arm. Felix patted her cheek trying to comfort her. Ryuu wrapped an arm around her shoulders and steered her into an examination room. He picked her up and sat her on the edge of the table.

"He didn't mean it."

"Yes he did!"

"No, he didn't, not really. He had just woken up after being critically injured, he doesn't know if his men survived or where they are and he hears your voice. You're not at home safe behind locked doors, you're here with minimal guards. It was his fear talking not his heart." Ryuu explained. Meryn buried her face in his chest.

"He hates me! I never used to care if people hated me, because I didn't like them, but Aiden can't hate me, because I love him." Ryuu held her close and kept drying her cheeks. A grunt at the door had them both turning. Aiden leaned heavily against the doorway before he walked into the room on unsteady feet.

"He's right Meryn, I was scared to death when I realized you were here. I'm not one hundred percent and wasn't sure I could keep you safe." Aiden was holding his side tightly.

"I'll be right outside." Ryuu walked out closing the door behind him. Aiden leaned against the back of the door.