Page 71

And last, all around the curve of his left shoulder was a kickass design that included a hooded skull and a set of scales. I had asked but he hadn’t explained that one to me.

That tattoo, as with a number of other things, Tack wanted to share, “later.”

I didn’t press. I was enjoying the now. And I knew, when he was ready, Tack would give me later.

Studying my man in bed, his tats on display, the sheet resting at his hip, his hard, defined muscles and the power of him at rest, his hair a mess, some of it falling over his forehead, he looked such that any woman, no matter their bent, would take a walk on the wild side if this was what she got to wake up to.

And she’d stay.

On that thought, I put a knee to the bed and Tack’s sapphire eyes opened, his head turned on the pillow and those eyes locked sleepily on me.

“Come ‘ere,” he muttered, his voice deeper, rougher, even in a mutter rumbling over my skin.

I went there, moving on my knees into the bed as he pulled partially up, his hands coming out to me and grasping my hips. He rolled to his back and I swung a leg over to straddle him. His hands slid down then up so they were warm against the skin on the inside hem of my cami and his eyes moved over me.

My eyes moved over his tats and I was thinking that beyond anything on this earth, I wanted me to be inked somewhere permanent on his skin. And not like Naomi, an admittedly kickass dragon but one that laid testimony to the fact she pissed him off so bad he breathed fire.

One like Rush and Tabby’s that was beautiful, it’s meaning hidden to anyone but Tack or someone who he allowed close enough to study it long enough to find out.

“Baby,” he whispered and my eyes moved from Tabby’s name to his.

“I’m gaining weight,” I announced and his fingers gave me a squeeze.

“Yeah,” he agreed but said no more.

“I keep going, I’ll need to buy more clothes.”

“So buy more clothes.”

There it was. Not, “Stop drinking beer,” not, “Quit eating the Big Grab of chips with lunch and dipping into the boys’ donut stash” but, “Buy more clothes.”

He didn’t care.


I bent over him and put my hand to his chest, my eyes dropping there and to watch my finger tracing the curlicue where Tabby’s name was written. While I did this, his hands slid up my cami and moved soothingly over the skin of my sides and back.

“You hungover?” he asked, my eyes went back to his, I shook my head but said, “A little bit. You?”

He shook his head.

My hand slid up his chest, his neck to his jaw and my thumb moved over his stubble on its path to glide along the edge of his goatee where my eyes had dropped to watch.

“You okay?” Tack asked and I looked back at him.

“Yeah,” I answered.

“You’re quiet,” he observed.

“I want to be inked on you,” I blurted.

Yes, I blurted that. Right out.

His hands went completely still.


We were having fun. It was easy. It was good. No, it was great. We were in that time when we were getting to know each other, enjoying it, seeing how we fit into each other’s lives.

But it was too new, too soon for something that heavy.

Panicking, I blathered, “I mean… I don’t know, not now –”

I stopped speaking when his fingers tensed into my skin so hard they dug into my flesh. Then I was flying through the air as he lifted and rolled so I landed on my back with Tack on top of me and between my legs.

“You want you inked on me?” he growled and I stared up in his eyes, uncertain what I read there and for the first time in a long time I fought against biting my lip.

“No,” I finally answered and his eyes narrowed scarily. “Yes,” I amended hastily. “I mean, maybe. Eventually. Not now, of course, but –”

“I’m on you.”

I blinked.

He was but I didn’t think that was what he was talking about.

So I asked, “Pardon?”

He didn’t exactly answer. He spoke and maybe he thought it was an answer but he didn’t actually answer.

“I know what. I know where.”

“Tack, honey –”

“A dragon, upper ass, spanning it, near to your waist, almost to your hips. I wanna see it when I’m takin’ you from behind. I wanna see it when you’re on your hands and knees and I’m f**kin’ your face. And I wanna know it’s under my hand when you’re sleeping.”

I got him then and what I got made my head jerk.

“A dragon?” I whispered.

“Yeah,” he replied.

“But that’s… that’s…” I paused then said so softly it was barely a breath, “Naomi’s.”

“The dragon’s me, babe. The tat I got is me, not her. She said it. I am it. She had that dragon, she lost it. Now it’s yours.”

Oh wow. I liked that.

Then it occurred to me he wanted me to get a tattoo. Not just a tattoo, a tramp stamp.

What he wanted, where he wanted it and why was hot.

But I wasn’t sure.

“I don’t think I’m a tattoo kind of person,” I informed him carefully.

“You weren’t a lotta things before you met me, babe,” he pointed out.

This was true.

“I hear it hurts.”

“Like f**k,” he confirmed.

Not good.

“But it’s worth it,” he continued.

“If I got a tattoo, my Dad would have a conniption,” I shared and this time, his head jerked. “My Mom would also lose her mind,” I added, he didn’t say a word so I finished, “And Uncle Marsh would be none-too-happy and he’s a pretty laidback guy.”

“Any of them in this bed?” Tack asked.


“Then what do you care?”

Good point.

“Only two people who matter are in this bed right now,” he told me, making my heart flutter. “This is your life, your body. Not theirs.”

Well, I couldn’t argue with that.

Tack kept talking, “I’ll take you to my guy, have him sketch somethin’ out. You like it, you get it. It isn’t your gig, don’t get it. I’m tellin’ you what I want. That don’t mean you gotta do it.”