Page 37

"Boyfriend." Erik's voice was flint. "Not ex. Just like vampyre, not fledgling."

"Oh. I'd say congrats on the makeup with Zo and on not drowning in your own blood, but that would pretty much be bullshit 'cause I wouldn't mean it. Know what I mean, dude?" He talked as he walked around Erik to snag my wrist, but before he could pull me into a big hug he glanced down and saw the new tattoos covering my palms. "Whoa! Now that is majorly cool! So, your goddess is still takin' care of you?"

"Yeah, she is," I said.

"I'm glad," he said and pulled me into the hug I'd been expecting. "Damn, I've been worried about you!" Then he held me at arm's length and checked me out. "You all in once piece?"

"I'm fine," I said, a little breathlessly. I mean, last time I'd seen Heath he'd been breaking up with me. Plus, I could smell him when he hugged me and he smelled amazing. Like home mixed with my childhood mixed with something that was delicious and exciting and was calling to me from everywhere his skin touched mine. I knew what was calling me--his blood. And that messed with more than my head.

"Excellent." Heath let go of my wrist and I took a quick little half step away from him and toward Erik. I saw a flash of pain go through Heath's eyes, but it was only there for a second before he grinned nonchalantly and shrugged like the hug hadn't been a big deal because he and I were just friends now. "Yeah, well, I figured you were okay. I mean, I thought even though that blood thing between us broke, I'd still know if something bad happened to you." He'd said the words "blood thing" with a sexy emphasis that had Erik stirring beside me. "But I needed to see for myself. Plus, I wanted to ask what-the-fuck about the weird call last night?"

"Call?" Erik said. His eyes were guarded when he looked at me.

"Yes, call." I lifted my chin. Erik might be my boyfriend again, but no way was I going to put up with his being all possessive and insanely jealous. The thought flitted through my mind that maybe Erik wouldn't ever be able to really trust me after what had happened between us, and I'd have to put up with some obsessive jealousy. I'd kinda earned it. But I said in a cool voice, "I called Heath to warn him about the Raven Mockers and tell him to get his family to safety. He and I aren't together, but that doesn't mean I want anything bad to happen to him."

"Raven Mockers?" Heath asked.

"What's going on out there?" Erik asked, his voice all business.

"Goin' on? What do ya mean? Like the major storm that's been goin' on since about midnight, and has turned into a mess of ice, or the gang bullshit that happened? And what're Raven Mockers?"

"Gang bullshit? What do you mean by that?" Erik snapped. "No. I'm not sayin' shit till you answer my question."

"Raven Mockers are demonlike creatures from Cherokee legend," I answered. "Up until about midnight last night, they were only evil spirits, but all that changed when their daddy, an immortal named Kalona, broke free from his prison inside the earth, and is now making his new address the Tulsa House of Night."

"You really think it's a good idea to tell him all that?" Erik said.

"Hey, why don't you let Zoey decide what she wants to tell me and what she doesn't want to tell me?" Heath puffed up like he was dying to take a swing at Erik.

Erik puffed right back at him. "You're a human," he said the word like it was an STD. "You can't handle the same things we can handle. Try remembering that I had to help save your stupid human ass from a bunch of vamp ghosts just a couple months ago."

"Zoey saved me, not you! And I've been handling Zoey for about a zillwt chang Wlion years longer than you've even known her."

"Yeah? How often has your stupid human ass put her in danger since she's been Marked?"

That unpuffed Heath. "Look, I'm not putting her in danger by coming here. I just wanted to be sure she was okay. I tried to call a couple of times, but cell ser vice is messed up."

"Heath, it's not me being in danger by you being here that I'm worried about. It's you being in danger," I said, giving Erik a hard you-should-shut-up-now look.

"Yeah, I already know about those nasty fledgling kids who tried to chomp on me last time we were here. I don't remember real well everything that happened, but I remembered enough to bring this." He reached into the pocket of his camo Carhartt and came out with a dangerous- looking black, snubbed-nose gun. "It's my dad's," he said proudly. "I even have extra clips of ammo with me. I figured if they tried to eat me again, I could shoot what ever you couldn't zap."