Page 35

"Well, the rain changing to ice stopped not too long ago, and I haven't heard any thunder for a while, either. If we don't get another wave of this crappy weather, ser vice might actually stay up. Hope that's a good sign."

"Yeah, me, too, I'll try to call Sister Mary Angela in a sec and check on Grandma." My words were coming easier now. I studied Erik as we talked. He seemed so nice and normal, just his usual good-guy self. Had I been overreacting about his kiss? Had what happened with Loren made me too sensitive? Realizing there was a bunch of dead air between us and Erik was starting to give me a questioning look, I said quickly, "So, where is Darius?"

"I relieved him early. I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep, and I figured he's going to need the extra rest since he's basically our entire army."

"Was Aphrodite still trashed?"

"She was passed out. Darius carried her out of here. She's going to have a killer hangover when she wakes up." He sounded pleased at the prospect. "He was going to Dallas's room to sleep. He hasn't been gone long, so maybe you won't even have to wake him up."

"Well, I really just wanted directions to Damien and Jack. I couldn't sleep, either, so I thought I'd relieve them and let the Twins rest."

"Oh, that's easy. I can tell you how to find them. They're not far from the entrance up into the depot we took before."

"Good, I don't really want to bother Darius if he's actually resting. You're right. Our army needs to get some sleep." I paused and then added, in a way-too-nonchalant tone, "Hey, you didn't notice anything, uh, weird in the tunnels on the way up here, did you?"

QSuo;<"Weird? Like what?"

I didn't want to say blackness, because, well, they were tunnels and for them to be dark wasn't weird. Plus, as I'd already imagined, I could hear Erik reminding me of how much the bats had freaked me out. So I blurted, "Like the lanterns suddenly going out."

He shrugged and shook his head. "Nope, but that's really not all that weird. I'm sure the red fledglings have to refill their oil pretty often, and I would bet that recent events have messed up their schedule for that."

"Yeah, that makes sense." And it did. So, just for that little moment I let myself feel a sense of relief that even then I knew deep down wasn't real, and grinned at Erik. He smiled back at me and there we were, grinning at each other. I reminded myself that Erik really was a great boyfriend. I'd been glad that he and I were back together. I was still glad we were back together, wasn't I? Couldn't I just stay glad and not let the good things we had between us be messed up because I was freaked that he was going to want more from me than I could give him right now?

Farther to the back of my mind I shoved the memory of the kiss Stark and I had shared and Kalona's nightmare visit and how he'd made me feel things no guy had ever come close to making me feel.

I stood up so abruptly I almost knocked the chair over. "I gotta call Sister Mary Angela!"

Erik gave me an odd look, but only said, "Okay, walk a little way over there, but don't get too close to the door. If anyone's hanging around outside I don't want them to hear you."

I nodded and gave him what I hoped didn't look like a guilty smile. Then I walked a little ways through the basement, which, I noticed, also wasn't as disgusting now as it had been last time I'd been down here. Stevie Rae and her group had obviously done a lot of cleaning and throwing away of the street people's stuff that had been littering the place before. And, happily, it didn't smell like urine anymore, which was a definite improvement.

I pressed Sister Mary Angela's number and mentally crossed my fingers while it said it was calling...calling...and then it actually rang, once, twice, three times...My stomach was just starting to hurt when she answered. The connection was really crappy, but at least I could understand her.

"Oh, Zoey! I'm so glad you called," said Sister Mary Angela.

"Sister, are you okay? Is Grandma?"

"She's fine...all fine. We're..." She was definitely breaking up now.

"Sister, I can't hear you very well. Where are you? Is Grandma conscious?"

" conscious. We're under the abbey, but..." There was static and then suddenly I could hear her clearly. "Are you influencing the weather, Zoey?"

"Me? No! What about Grandma? Are you guys safe in the abbey basement?"

"...fine. Not to worry, we..."

And the line went dead.