Page 61

I patted his trident. “Of course you are.”

Reluctantly fascinated, I followed Beau down the stairs. The walls had once been papered, but time and water had disintegrated all but scraps of the striped design. The carpet squelched softly underfoot. “When will we meet with Isla?” I asked, grinning as Leopoldine trailed a long finger through the candle flame. She drew it back sharply a second later, examining the fresh burn there with a frown. “Will there be food?”

Though the guards stiffened as if insulted by the question, Eglantine chuckled. “Of course there shall be food. As much as you could possibly eat.” My stomach rumbled its appreciation. “A special banquet has been prepared just for you. After you wash, we shall join Isla to dine.”

“Just her?” Coco asked, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

A knowing gleam entered Eglantine’s eyes. “Well, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention how eager the entire court is to meet all of you. Especially you, Cosette.” She winked at Coco in a conspiratorial fashion, and I decided instantly that I liked her. “Look how you’ve grown! You’ve always been beautiful, chérie, but I must say your breasts are an exquisite addition.”

I definitely liked her.

Coco straightened her shoulders in pride—or defiance—pushing said additions front and center as the guards prepared to leave us. To Célie, Elvire asked, “Won’t you sit with us at tonight’s feast, Mademoiselle Célie? We would so enjoy your company.”

Célie blinked once, glancing between each of their hopeful faces, before smiling wide. “I would love that.”

“Excellent.” Olympienne flashed her diamond teeth while Leopoldine unclasped a golden chain from between her breasts, refastening it around Célie’s waist. Sabatay tucked a strand of seaweed into her chignon, and Beau, Coco, and I—well, we all watched Célie become a bird’s nest in unabashed bewilderment. “Until later, mon trésor.”

They left us under Eglantine’s watchful gaze. “Your chambers are just around the hall—one for each of you, of course. Unless you and the human prince would like to share, Cosette?”

Beau smirked as tension bolted down Coco’s spine. “That won’t be necessary,” she said tersely. Angelica turned away to hide her smile behind her hand. “Thank you.”

“Very well. I shall leave you here.” Eglantine halted outside another decaying door. A burgundy curtain had been draped over the threshold, shielding the room from the hall. “This entire wing is completely your own.” She nodded to the other doors lining the way. “Ring the bells when you’ve finished with your wash, and I shall collect you. Might I bring anything else to make you more comfortable?”

Célie reluctantly glanced at her ruined trousers. “Perhaps a clean nightgown?”

“Oh! How silly of me.” Eglantine brushed the burgundy curtain aside, pointing to the tarnished armoire beside a hammock of nets. “Each room has been stocked with clothing of all shapes and sizes, hand selected by the Oracle herself. Consider each piece yours.”

The Green Ribbon


Coco followed me into the curtained room while Beau and Célie wandered down the corridor in search of privacy. Already, steam curled from a golden tub in the corner. What had probably once been a silk dressing screen stood furled beside it, but the fabric had decomposed long ago. They’d woven seaweed into the panels instead.

Yawning, Coco unlaced her blouse before stripping it overhead. Though I moved to Reid’s side, I didn’t bother shielding his eyes. He hadn’t so much as stirred since we’d entered Le Présage, and if the sight of even Coco’s exquisite assets couldn’t tempt him to wake, we might’ve been in more trouble than I thought.

I snatched a bowl from the dressing table, filling it with bathwater.

Then again, this was Reid. If he’d opened his eyes just now, he would’ve fainted all over again.

He was going to be fine.

Coco eyed the bowl as she shimmied from her pants and plucked a scarf from the armoire, wrapping it around her hair. “Are you bathing him?”

“Nope.” Thrusting my shoulder into his, I rolled him onto the hammock, and his magical bed burst beneath us, soaking the carpet once more. “Not yet anyway.” She arched a brow and slipped into the tub, scooping sea salt from the pot beside it and scrubbing the gritty substance onto her skin. When I lifted Reid’s wrist to submerge his hand in the bowl, she shook her head and sighed.

“Tell me you aren’t doing what I think you’re doing.”

I shrugged. “Your mom said he would wake. I’m just helping him along.”

“She said he would wake when he’s ready.”

“And?” I watched his pants intently, settling into the hammock beside him, my back against the musty wall. My magic wouldn’t work, but . . . “Perhaps he’s ready.”

Her lips twitched slightly as she followed my gaze. His chest still rose and fell rhythmically, but otherwise, he didn’t move. “Perhaps he’s not,” she said.

“Well, we’ll know in a few minutes, won’t we?”

“I expected you to be more worried about this.”

“I’ve spent the entirety of my life worried, Coco. Nothing has changed.”

Except it had. Everything had changed. I’d made a promise to Ansel—to myself—when I’d left him in those waters. I wouldn’t allow fear to control me for another moment. No. Not even for another second.

Coco’s lips twitched harder as she scrubbed her skin. “He’ll be furious when he wakes.”

When he wakes.

I arched a devilish brow. “Dare I say he’ll be . . . pissed?”

She cackled outright now, leaning over the tub to better see the proceedings. “Oh my god. That was terrible.”

“That was brilliant, and you know it.” Absurdly pleased with myself, I pushed to my feet just as a veritable army of maids bustled through the curtain. Each carried pitchers of fresh, scalding water in tow.

“Are you finished, milady?” one of them asked Coco. When she nodded, the maid held out a silk robe, and Coco—shooting a quick, dubious glance in my direction—hesitated before stepping into it. I hid a smile behind my hand. I couldn’t speak for Coco, but I hadn’t been waited on since I’d left the Chateau at sixteen. Had anyone ever pampered her? My grin spread as another maid presented her with bottles of perfumed oils for her skin and hair. The others set about emptying the tub and refilling it with fresh water.