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“Oh dear, of course. I didn’t even notice—but then again, you always see what I cannot. I’m sure the artist didn’t intend anything by the painting. It’s a total and accidental coincidence. I’m sure of this, Shay. I’m so sure of this. Of course, I’ll take the painting down. I know how close you are with your brother.”

As she hurriedly moved forward to unhinge the painting, I tried to calm myself. I didn’t care if it was accidental or not. Something fierce and angry burned inside of me at the idea of a demonic portrait of Kellan…though it may be true at times.

“There you go, Shay. It’s down. I’ll keep it behind the desk covered until he arrives for his paintings again. I’m so sorry again, Shay honey. I’m sure your brother isn’t even…” But her voice trailed off when our eyes met. Everyone knew Kellan’s reputation, and it wasn’t an angelic one.

“Still.” She cleared her throat. “I’m sorry again, Shay. Did you come in to paint this evening?”

I nodded, mutely, still a little shaken from the fierceness I’d felt over the painting.

“I’ll unlock the door for you, Shay honey. You know how to leave the school if you stay late. And with that, I’ll leave you alone.” She hustled out of the room, and I heard the click of the studio door unlocking a moment later. When I heard her approach, I quickly moved to the second door and timed it so that I exited the room as she re-entered.

And then I was in the empty hallway, still shaken, but the tingle urged me ahead. It was stronger than it had ever been before, and I quickly moved to the studio door. I swished through and breathed in freedom as it locked shut behind me. That was when I turned to survey the room.

Three empty canvases were perched on easels.

I forgot everything else.

It never ceased to amaze me how the world went away when I painted. It was like everything clicked off the second my hand picked up that brush. And then I’d blink awake, maybe four hours later, and stare, befuddled, at a finished product.

This time wasn’t anything different.

I caught my breath as I stared at my handiwork. The general background was a brown color, almost sand-like. There was a mass of clouds, a beautiful storm that looked like it had just started, and three angels that hung in the air, mesmerizing. They seemed to pierce through me as I stared at each of them. Their wings were folded in, white with long feathers, and their robes sparkled from some unseen light.

I didn’t know what prompted this painting out of me. And to be honest, I never understood why I painted what I did, but this one took my breath away. It was like someone else had used me to paint it. I didn’t feel like I could take credit, but it didn’t matter.

I bent and pulled the masking cover over it. I made sure each of the prominent tacks was pointed out so that the cover wouldn’t rest on the painting, just around it. And then I glanced at the clock.

Five after nine.


I’d been painting for longer than four hours.

Cursing underneath my breath, I grabbed my bag and left through the door. It would automatically lock behind me, so I didn’t give it a thought. As I hurried down the far east corridor and descended the back stairwell, I hoped like I always did that the alarm wouldn’t sound when I pushed on the exit doors. They never had, but it only took one time. As I pushed through, I breathed in relief when no alarm splintered the air.

I was safe…once again.

The air was chilled, like it should’ve been on an early summer night. It didn’t help that I hadn’t gone to school with a sweater or jacket.

I tried to warm my arms, but it never worked. I was still trembling when I got to my car. As I blasted the heat, I sat back and pulled out my cell phone. Two missed calls from Kellan and four text messages from Matt.


The first one read, ya beatch, ur gonna pay for ur bruda be back 2morrow dun worry.

The second one wasn’t much different, and the last two promised payback.

I rolled my eyes and shifted the car into gear. As I drove through the backstreets of Poehler and headed out of town, I saw Leah and a few others leaving one of the pizza places, like a normal teenager enjoying time with her friends.

I’d never been a part of that world. None of the Bradens had. And for some reason, it never bothered us. We were meant for different things. Still…a part of me wished things could’ve been different. That I could’ve grown up as a normal girl with a normal family and even a normal boyfriend.

When I slowed and turned onto the gravel road that led to my home, I knew it was useless to wish that.

I wasn’t normal. No one in my family was, but it would’ve been nice…to know what normal felt like.

We lived in a three-story brick house. And as I parked to the left of the garage, I cursed when I saw that every single light was off. That didn’t mean everyone was asleep, not in my family. It meant that they were outside, probably down by the river.

Still…it was a little reprieve for me.

I let myself in to the empty house, kept the lights off, toed off my sandals, and moved into the kitchen. The bare tile felt cool underneath my feet. As I opened the fridge, I pulled out a container of orange juice and then screamed.

Kellan stood right behind me, a foreboding expression on his face.

“Oh God.” I laughed, weakly, as I set down the orange juice. “You gave me a heart attack just now.”

Kellan cocked his head to the side, his eyes studious on mine.