Of course, this had to happen right when I was given cool new job responsibilities and a raise.

My goal of saving up for an RV is going up in flames.

At around six p.m., Megan drifts into my room carrying a big pink shopping bag on one arm and a huge Louis Vuitton tote bag on the other. She immediately hugs me, then sits on the edge of my bed, piling her bags on top of me.

“First of all, your cat is the cutest thing ever,” she says. “Second, what the hell is up with all the locks on your door? I’m not feeling good about this, Sky. Is someone in that house hurting you?”

I shake my head so hard I’m pretty sure my brain rattles. “No, nothing like that.”

“You have to tell me. I promise I won’t judge you, or tell anyone. But I can’t just ignore this sitch. You’re my best friend.” She takes a breath. “How are you feeling? You’re looking a little like you’ve got the worst hangover of your life.”

“That would be great if I actually had a hangover.”

She touches the pink shopping bag. “I hope you don’t mind, but while I was in your room I grabbed some clothes for you, and the book that was on your nightstand in case you want to read.”

“You’re so sweet. Thank you.”

“Your charger’s in there, too. Now tell me what's up.”

Her eyes widen as I tell her about my mother, and her mouth hangs open just as wide as I divulge some—but not all—details about the hoarding and how it’s taken over the house.

“Oh my God, Skylar. I don’t even know what to say. It’s horrible and disgusting and I can’t believe you never told me this.”

“I really didn’t want anyone to know, Meg. It’s embarrassing.”

“But I’m your friend! I thought you were just being a weirdo who didn’t want me to see your toys and clothes. You can come to my house any time to shower or use the toilet. Fuck this shit. I don’t want you to feel embarrassed at all. I love you and nothing could change that.”

Leaning up, I put my arms around her and hug her. “I’m so lucky to have you.”

“I’m just as lucky to have you,” she says when I let her go. “You’ve put up with my ’tude for years.” Suddenly, she grabs on to my hand with excitement. “I forgot to tell you! Guess what!?”


“I’m seeing Erik tonight! We’re going to the diner, so I can’t stay here long. I have to go home and fix my face. We’re meeting at eight.”

Her face looks fine to me. Unlike my own face right now.

“Wow! Who asked who out?”

“I asked him.”

“You did!” I laugh, but I admire her for going after what she wants. I’m not sure I’d ever have the confidence to ask a guy out.

“I did!”

“You have to text me after and tell me everything.”

“Of course I will. I’ll take a selfie of us together so you can see how cute he looks now.”

“That’ll give me something to look forward to.”

She squints at me and fixes the gown around my shoulders. “I’m worried about you, though. Maybe I should postpone my date and stay here with you.”

“I’m fine. I want you to go. I’m just going to read and sleep. It’ll be nice to be able to sleep in an air-conditioned room instead of sweltering all night.”

“Are you sure? I can have dinner with Erik tomorrow night.”

I smile at her. “I want you to go have fun. I’m living vicariously through you, so you have to keep me entertained.”

Sadness creeps up on me after she leaves. I watch the sun fade from the hospital window. I’d be leaving work right now if I hadn’t fainted, heading home to snuggle Gus and research photography tips. Eating a hot dog roll for dinner and a cherry life saver for dessert.

I wish I were having dinner with a cute boy like Megan is. I wish my face looked flawless instead of pale and sick. I wish I could go to the diner and eat cheesy fries and drink a creamy vanilla shake. I wish my house was a clean and normal home. I wish my mom acted like a mom.

I wish someone other than Megan and Gus loved me and cared about me. On that depressing thought, I close my eyes and try to get some sleep.

Chapter 9


The doctors kept me in the hospital for four grueling days. Even though I wasn’t sweating all night like I do in my own room, I slept like shit, and worried about Gus constantly even though Megan snuck into my bedroom every night to take care of her. She texted me pictures while she was there so I could see that Gus was okay.

She also sent me pictures of her and Erik, who actually is super cute. She’s seen him every night since they had their first diner date. Things seem to happen so easily and smoothly for Megan all the time, while I drive the struggle bus.