Page 28

The air felt weird—slimy, almost. Unbalanced, somehow. As if there were a constant draft sloping downward, giving the perception that the floor was tilted. It was incredibly strange, and strong enough to give me a sense of vertigo.

“There’s something wrong with that room,” I muttered. “With that statue.”

“It’s the cult’s influence, I think. All of them feel like that, and it’s spreading to the building itself.”

I caught the sound of approaching footsteps echoing from the other side of the large room. Coraline’s eyes brightened, and she perked up like a cat who’d heard the tuna can opening.

I dragged her away, vowing to return to the statue that called to me. “We can’t afford a fight that will alert more people. We need to keep looking for the lever.”

She nodded. “You’re right.”

As we hurried through the halls and rooms, darting into hiding spots anytime we heard footsteps, my hope began to dwindle. Where the hell was this damned lever?

I pressed my fingertips to my comms charm, hoping I could get in touch with anyone. There was only silence, however. Did that mean they weren’t here? Or perhaps the signal was blocked by the protective dome.

A moment later, two red cloaks entered the room. Fear sliced through me, and I lunged for one, dagger already gripped in my hand. They were both about my size. Women, maybe. Not that it mattered.

I lunged, swiping out with my blade, and delivering a deep cut to the figure’s chest. A small fist swiped out, nailing me across the cheek. The blow was so strong that I spun away, pain flaring.

To my left, Coraline moved like a whirlwind, slicing the other person’s neck in the same maneuver she’d used earlier.

My attacker lunged for me, and I ducked low, plunging the dagger up into their gut. A groan of pain escaped their lips. I yanked the dagger free, but before I could attack, a blade appeared at the figure’s throat, slicing across. I darted as blood sprayed. It hit me in the cheek, warm and wet.

I gagged.

“Sorry,” Coraline whispered.

Both cloaked figures were slumped on the ground, and I dragged my shirt across my face, wiping the blood away. The hoods had fallen back to reveal two women, both pale skinned and fair haired. They had tattoos on their necks, just like our prisoner had had.

“We need to get rid of them.” I looked around, hoping to find another convenient room.

There were none.

“Damn it.” I scowled.

“Let’s just leave them. We’ve already covered more than half the temple by my estimate. We’re sure to find the lever soon.”

I didn’t like the plan but couldn’t think of a better one. We stepped over the bodies and hurried away, fast and silent.

Finally, while hiding behind a door to peer into a large, nearly empty room, we found the lever. The ornate brass handle was four feet long, set into a stone base and guarded by a red cloak.

“He’s asleep.” Disgust and delight echoed in Coraline’s voice.

But she was right.

The guard was sitting slumped against the wall, head bowed. I could hear his snores from over here.

“Normally I’d say that killing a sleeping man is unsporting,” Coraline whispered. “Not today.”

Before I could respond, she was darting across the hall, dagger drawn. The job was done in seconds, her blade flashing across the neck. Blood spurted, and I felt my stomach turn slightly.

This was more killing than I was used to. I knew without a doubt that these people were the evilest of evil, with plans that could bring about the destruction of so many innocent lives.

But still . . . it was hard to give up on my human ideals and everything I’d learned at police college. Everything I’d grown up to believe.

There were certainly no juries in the magical world. Or, if there were, I hadn’t seen any. And I doubted that any of the red-cloaked individuals in this cult were going to ever see any either.

“Let’s do this thing,” Coraline whispered from across the room.

I sprinted to her and grabbed the lever. She joined me, and together, we pulled hard on the metal rod. It resisted at first, finally giving way with a creak.

Magic exploded all around us, lights cracking and popping as the sound of shattering glass filled the air. A cold breeze rushed over me, followed by the warm heat of the sea air. The sounds of night insects filled the space.

“We did it.” Coraline grinned widely.

I ran to a small square window and looked out, searching the courtyard for my friends.

No one was there. But then, I hadn’t told them where to hide. They could be anywhere.

I turned to Coraline. “You need to get out of here.”

“No. Someone needs to stay here and make sure the switch isn’t flipped back.” Conviction gleamed in her eyes. “I’m going to do that.”

“Thank you.”

She nodded. “What about you?”

“I want to go back to the temple room. There was something off there. Something important.”

“When I’m done, I’ll come find you.”

“Good luck.” I hugged her tight, and she gripped me back.

I raced away from her and the lever, pressing my fingertips to my comms charm as I ran. It crackled to life, and gratitude swelled through me. “Eve? You there?”

“We’re here! Did the barrier just fall? Everything looks different.”

“Yeah. There are over a dozen prisoners. Cordelia is helping them escape. More than a hundred red cloaks, too.”


“I’ll be in the huge temple room with the statue. Good luck.”

“Be safe.”

“You, too.” I thought of Grey, wishing I could see him. But now wasn’t the time. Never was the time, in fact.

As I ran through the halls, the sound of battle began to ring around me. Lightning struck, no doubt from Eve, and the crash of magic reverberated through the air. Screams and shouts sounded, along with the maniacal laughter of the witches as they attacked.

The battle was in full force now, but it was the statue of Anat that drew me to her. I had to get closer, had to figure out what was going on there.

I sprinted into an empty room, nearly at the statue. Only a couple rooms away, now.

“Hey!” A loud voice sounded from behind, and I whirled.

A figure staggered toward me, tall and strong. Blood poured from the throat where a wound gaped. The hood had been pulled back, revealing the memorable squashed face and black eyes of the first man that Coraline had killed with such glee.

Shock raced through me. “You should be dead.”

He laughed, an ugly sound. “Never.”

Shit, shit, shit.

He had definitely been dead. I’d seen it with my own eyes, and there was no way to survive the deep wound in his throat. Yet he was definitely walking around and ready to rip my head off.

As he neared, I felt the same dark magic that had wafted from the statue of Anat. It was slimy and unbalanced.

“What magic is this?” I demanded, dancing out of his way as I kept my dagger at the ready.

How was I supposed to kill someone who was already dead?

“The power of Anat, a gift to us.” His words were a growl.

“Stolen, I am sure.” I eyed him, debating where to stab or slice.

A creaking sounded from above, and I glanced up.

A huge metal chandelier hung above us, a massive, rustic thing. Cordelia sat on top of it, her little hands gripping the chain that affixed it to the ceiling.

Get out of the way, dummy.

I darted backward, and magic flashed around her hands. The chain snapped, and the light fixture came crashing down. It slammed onto the man, crushing him into the ground. He lay still.

Cordelia jumped down and dusted off her hands. You’re welcome.

“You’re getting two kebabs for that. How are the prisoners?”

Most free, our friends are working to release the rest.

“And Grey?”

Fighting like a demon to find you.

“You didn’t tell him where I am?”

He won’t stop to listen. He’s gone crazy with worry.

The idea pulled at my heart, but I shoved the thought away. “I need to get to the statue of Anat. Go warn people that these bastards can’t be killed. Maybe we need to burn them to dust.”

She nodded, then darted off.

I followed, sprinting through the hall as I touched my comms charm and warned Eve about the deathless state of our enemy.

Finally, I reached the huge room with the statue of Anat. It pulled at me, stronger than ever. The sound of battle echoed closer, and I could catch glimpses of fighting through doorways leading off the main temple room. It hadn’t arrived here yet, but it would be here soon.

I sprinted across the empty space, drawn to the huge statue. As I neared it, I called upon my magic, praying I could read what I needed from the cold stone.

I skidded to a halt in front of it and slammed a hand onto the base, looking up at the towering figure of Anat.

Light flashed, and the ether sucked me in.



Fear iced my skin as I tore the head off one of the red cloaks standing between me and a cell containing a middle-aged woman with brilliant red hair.

Where was Carrow?

The need to find her raged through me, a beast with vicious claws and fangs. But the red cloaks had discovered us freeing the rest of the prisoners, and they’d come to stop us. If we didn't get these people out of here, the red cloaks would kill them.

Carrow would never forgive me for letting that happen.

I flung the headless body away and yanked on the door that trapped the woman. It broke away, and I flung it aside. She raced out, eyes wild and dress ragged.

“Go right,” I said. “There’s an exit.”

“Hell no. I’m going to kill those bastards.” Anger gleamed in her eyes.

Not a single prisoner had run for it so far, all opting to join the fight.

“Go right anyway. Your magic will start working again when you’re out of this hallway.”

“Thank you.” She sprinted away.