Page 78

Thankfully, Thanatos stepped between the two of us. "Human teenage standards have never governed vampyre fledgling law. Tulsa is a middle point in the nation. It could definitely support a second House of Night. Our numbers are growing, especially with the inrush of the red fledglings, which have been discovered in other areas as well as here."

"There are other red fledglings? I mean, besides just ours?" I said.


"But have any been Marked red, or have they all died and then un-died and turned red?" Aphrodite asked before I could give her a shut up look.

"Yours is the only red fledgling on record to date as having been Marked red," Thanatos said.

"So you know about Shaylin?" I asked, holding my breath.

"Yes. Neferet announced that she was blind before she had been Marked, and that now she has sight. She extrapolated that the poor child was broken, so she didn't need to die to receive the red Markings."

I wanted to stand up for Shaylin and say she wasn't broken, that she was special, but my gut told me to continue to keep my mouth shut about her True Sight.

"Zoey, there is no reason to hide anything from someone who is seeking the truth, unless you prefer lies and deceit," Thanatos surprised me by saying.

I met her gaze. "I don't prefer lies and deceit, but one big thing Neferet has taught me is to be careful about who I trust." And then, because my gut continued to talk to me I said the rest of what was on my mind. "I hear Neferet has a new Consort. Have you heard anything about that?"

"I have not. Zoey, are you confusing Aurox for her Consort? Whether he is or is not a gift from Nyx, Neferet has given no indication that she is romantically involved with him; he seems simply her servant."

"I'm not talking about Aurox," I kept on, even though just saying his name made my stomach feel weird. "I'm talking about the white bull." Thanatos looked absolutely and utterly shocked. "Zoey, the worship of the white and black bulls is an ancient one, and its popularity died out centuries ago. I only have a rudimentary understanding of that religion and its past, but I can tell you that no Priestess of Nyx has ever given herself to the white bull. What you are saying would be an abomination, and it is a grave accusation." As she spoke Thanatos had become paler and paler, until finally she was so disturbed that the air around her lifted her hair and blew with agitated little gusts.

An air affinity as well as an affinity for death-that's interesting, I thought. "I'm not accusing," I said aloud. "I'm just asking you if you've heard anything about it."

"No! The High Council, as well as the vampyre community, believe Kalona, the creature Neferet convinced was Erebus on Earth, was and still is her Consort, though he has been banished from her side for one hundred years." Aphrodite snorted. "That's bullshit. He was here with her because he thought she had control of his soul. Something got messed up, though, in the Land of the Crazy and Neferet lost control of Kalona." I thought she was going to blurt the rest of the news about Kalona hanging around wanting to truce with us to destroy Neferet, but instead Aphrodite said something smarter. "Uh, would you answer a quick question for me?" Looking shell-shocked, Thanatos nodded.

"Okay, let's say Aurox isn't a gift from Nyx and is instead, I dunno, say, something super evil the white bull and Neferet cooked up together because they're being way inappropriate. What kind of cooking would create something like him?"

"A great sacrifice," Thanatos said.

"You mean Neferet would have to have killed someone specifically for the creation of Aurox?" Aphrodite asked.

"Yes, though I shudder at the thought of such psychopathic behavior."

"Yeah, so do we," Aphrodite said, meeting my eyes with a sad, but knowing look. "Too many people around us have died recently."

"Yeah," I echoed, feeling super sick. "Too many."


The girl's attention came as a surprise. He was going on his nightly rounds, as per Neferet's standing command, especially assuring no Raven Mockers breached the boundary of the House of Night, when he passed close by the female dormitory building. She was standing under one of the big trees and as he drew close, she stepped directly into his path.

"Hi there." Her smile was silky. "I'm Becca. We haven't met yet, but I've been checking you out."

"hello, Becca." Curious, he allowed her to halt him. She wasn't beautiful or unusual as were some of the other fledglings, as was Zoey, his mind whispered, but he shied away from the thought. This Becca fledgling had an all ure about her, and her body language, how she cocked her hip and tossed back her long blond hair, said she found him pleasing. "I am Aurox."