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The shadows slithered from her and Neferet, content, called for her assistant to bring her a glass of wine laced with blood.

"Find some virgin's blood this time," she snapped when the young vampyre answered her summons. "The other is simply too common, and I have a feeling a celebration will soon be in order."

"Yes, Priestess, as you command." The assistant bowed and scurried out.

"That is right." Neferet spoke aloud to the listening shadows. "All will be as I command. And someday soon they will not call me Priestess, but Goddess. Someday very soon..."

Neferet laughed.



A Sword Master notices everything. It's part of what makes him successful-what keeps him alive. Though it didn't take his preternatural abilities of observation for Dragon Lankford to know something was going on with Zoey's inner group. It only took following his instincts and asking one simple question.

Shortly after second hour was underway Dragon instructed his students to begin their warm-up exercises, and told them he would return momentarily. Instinct had been niggling at him, driving him, prodding him, worrying him. Darius and Stark were talented Warriors-both more than capable in their specialized areas of weaponry. Darius was probably the most gifted knife thrower Dragon had ever known, and Stark's infal ibility with bow and arrow was, indeed, awe inspiring.

Neither of those abilities meant they should be in charge of training young, impressionable fledglings. Teaching was a gift in itself, and Dragon very much doubted that two such youthful vampyres had the experience and wisdom needed to be true professors.

She had been young when she was made a professor, so very young. That was how he'd met her-his mate-his life-his own. He knew what Anastasia would say were she here. She would smile kindly and remind him that he should not judge others harshly because of their youth-that once he had known how that felt. She would remind him that he was in the perfect position to mentor the youths-to be sure they developed into worthy Warriors and exceptional teachers.

But Anastasia was as dead as the past and because of that his life was utterly changed. Dragon did not want to supervise or mentor or oversee young professors, especially in light of the fact that they had begun this extra class so that he would not have to suffer the presence of the Raven Mocker turned boy. But Dragon was finding that duty was an odd thing. Even though he had stepped away from the path he'd walked with his mate and his Goddess, it seemed he had not become entirely free of the bonds that tied him to honor and responsibility.

So, begrudgingly, Dragon gave in to the instinct that was telling him to check on the young Warriors and made the short trek from the field house to the arena of Lenobia's stables where Stark and Darius had set up their Warrior training.

As soon as he placed foot inside the sawdust arena, Dragon knew he'd been right to be concerned. The two vampyres weren't conducting training-the human stable man was. Lenobia was nowhere to be seen, and the two Warriors were following Aphrodite from the stables. Dragon shook his head in disgust.

"Darius!" he called. The young vampyre paused, gestured for Stark and Aphrodite to go ahead, and then he hurried over to Dragon. "Why is a human leading your class?"

"It cannot be avoided," Darius said. "Stark and I must escort Aphrodite and Zoey."

"Escort them? Where?"

Dragon could see that Darius was not comfortable discussing the subject with him, but he really had very little choice. No matter their differing views on Rephaim and Neferet and some of the new red fledglings, Dragon was still Darius's ranking Warrior, and as thus he owed the Sword Master an answer.

"Thanatos is going to lead Zoey and her circle in a ritual at her grandmother's farm. The spell involved is supposed to reveal the manner of her mother's death."

Dragon felt the shock of it-this was major spell work, and one that entailed some measure of danger, even if the threat was more emotional than physical. I should have been informed. I should have been included.

Dragon kept his thoughts veiled and only asked, "Why now, during school hours, is this ritual taking place?"

"This is the fifth night after her murder."

Dragon nodded, understanding. "One night for each of the elements. Four would be incomplete. Six would be too late. It must be tonight."

"Yes, that is how Thanatos explained it, too." Darius added, obviously uncomfortable, "May I have leave to go, Sword Master? My Prophetess awaits."

"Yes, you may."

Darius bowed and Dragon watched him go. Then, with a grim set to his handsome face, Dragon Lankford changed direction and made his way quickly to the classroom Thanatos had made her own.