Page 39

“You’re bruising me.”

“You’re right. I should be more careful.” His eyes were flinty as he swept me into his arms and threw me over his shoulder.

I landed with an oomph, the air rushing out of my lungs. Quickly, he gripped my cuffed wrist, holding it firmly so that I couldn’t sneak a potion out to use in defense.

“Let me go, you bastard!” I kicked and thrashed, trying to break free.

“You’re my mate, Eve.” He strode through the halls and climbed the stairs that led to the top of the tower.

“That doesn’t mean you can kidnap me. You don’t own me!”

“And yet here you are.” He reached the room where he’d kept me prisoner and set me down, then shoved me gently inside. He blocked the door, his body too broad to slip past. “You’re part of this, no matter how much you want to deny it. And until we find out what’s going on—why this person is after you—I’m not letting you out of my sight. You’re staying here.”

Shock rooted me to the spot as I stared at him. His eyes never left mine as he shut the door in my face and turned the lock.