Page 29


Meetings were better than being evicted, though.

“Thank you,” I said.

We turned to leave, and I caught Ubhan’s eye. He glowered at me.

That was going to be a sticky relationship.

But as we walked out into the sun, it was impossible not to believe in fate. After all, it’d landed me here, amongst this crew of amazing, lovely supernaturals who were as strange and different as I was.

And now, we had a guild.

My friends were chattering away about plans for a party, but I only had eyes for Grey. He stood off to the side, his gaze on me.

He was thinking of our curse. It was written all over his face. And though the idea of it scared the hell out of me, the insanity of the last few days had proved that anything was possible.

Fate might have something terrible planned for us, but I wasn’t going to let it come to pass. I’d saved the Shadow Guild. I’d save Grey, too.

I had to.