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But I didn't take time to wonder at the magic I felt there. I went to Stark. His body was clean now. The wounds weren't bleeding anymore, but they were raw and red. And then I realized what I was seeing and I drew in a deep breath. On each side of Stark's chest the slash work formed arrows, complete with feathers and pointed, triangular tips. They made a perfect balance to the burned broken arrow over his heart.

I put my hand out then and rested it on top of that scar, the one from the time he'd saved my life - the first time he'd saved my life. I was surprised to find that I still clutched the golden thread. Gently, I lifted Stark's wrist and wrapped the thread of gold around there. The silky length hardened, twisted, and closed, looking much like the old Guardian's, except on Stark's bracelet I could see caved images of three arrows - one of them broken.

"Thank you, Goddess," I whispered. "Thank you for everything."

Then I placed my hand over Stark's heart and leaned down. Just before I pressed my lips to his, I said,

"Come back to your queen, Guardian. It's all over now." Then I kissed him.

As his eyelids fluttered and opened, I heard Nyx's musical laughter fill my mind, and her voice saying: No, daughter, it's not all over. It's just beginning . . .