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I looked my friend in the eye and lied my ass off. "Because it seemed easier to believe than I was seeing ghosts--or at least it did until I said it. Then it sounded crazy."

"Seeing a ghost would have freaked me right out," Shaunee said. Erin nodded enthusiastic agreement. "Was it like with Elizabeth?" Stevie Rae asked. At least this I didn't have to lie about. "No. He seemed more real, but I saw them both in the same place, over by the east wall, and both of their eyes glowed a weird red color." Shaunee shivered. "I'm sure as shit staying away from the spooky east wall," Erin said. Damien, always the scholar, tapped his chin like a professor. "Zoey, maybe you have yet another affinity. Maybe you can see dead fledglings." I would have thought this was a possibility, even though it was a gross one, if I hadn't seen the supposed ghost, solid and totally real, drinking my mentor's blood. Still, it was a good theory, and an excellent way to keep Damien busy. "You might be right," I said. "Ugh," Stevie Rae said. "I hope not."

"Me, too. But could you do some research on it for me, Damien?"

"Of course. I'll also check out any references to hauntings by fledglings."

"Thanks, I appreciate that."

"You know, I do think I remember reading something in an old Greek history text about vampyre spirits that restlessly prowl the ancient tombs of ..." I shut out Damien's lecture, glad that Stevie Rae and the Twins were more involved with listening to his ghost stories than asking me more specific questions. I hated lying to them, especially since I really would have liked to have told them everything. What I saw had truly frightened me. How the hell was I going to face Neferet again? Nala rubbed her face against mine and then settled down in my lap. I stared at the TV and petted her while Damien droned on and on about old vamp ghosts. And then I realized what I was seeing and lunged across Stevie Rae for the remote that was sit ting on the lamp table beside her, causing Nala to mee-uf-ow snort! in annoyance and jump from my lap. I didn't even take time to soothe her, but quickly turned up the volume. It was Chera Kimiko again on a repeat of the evening news' lead story. "The body of the second Union High School teenager, Brad Hi geons, was found by museum security guards this evening in the stream that runs along the Philbrook Museum grounds. The cause of death is not being officially reported at this time, but sources have told Fox News that the boy died of blood loss through multiple lac erations."

"No ..." I felt my head shaking back and forth. There was a terrible ringing in my ears. "That's the stream we crossed over when we went to the yard of the Philbrook for the Samhain Ritual last month," Stevie Rae said. "It's just down the street from here," Shaunee said. "The Dark Daughters used to sneak out there all the time for rituals," Erin said.

Then Damien said what we were all thinking. "Someone is try ing to make it look like vampyres are killing human kids."

"Maybe they are." I hadn't actually meant to speak my thought aloud, and pressed my lips closed, immediately sorry I'd let that slip. "Why would you say that, Zoey?" Stevie Rae sounded utterly shocked. "I--I don't know. I didn't really mean it," I stuttered, not sure what I really meant or why I'd said it. "You're freaked, that's all," Erin said. "Of course you are. You knew both those kids," Shaunee added. "And on top of all of this, you saw a damn ghost today." Damien was studying me again. "Did you have a feeling about Brad before you heard he was dead, Zoey?" he asked quietly. "Yes. No." I sighed. "I thought he was dead as soon as I heard he'd been taken," I admitted. "Did any specifics come with the feeling? Do you know any thing more?" Damien said. As if Damien's questions had prodded them from my mem ory, the snatches of words that I'd heard Neferet speak replayed in my mind:... much too dangerous ... You may not have any more ... You cannot understand ... You may not question me .. . I felt a terrible chill that had nothing to do with the snowstorm outside. "Nothing specific came with the feeling. I have to go to my room," I said, suddenly unable to look at any of them. I hated lying, and doubted I could keep it up if I stayed with them much longer. "I have to finish up the words for the ritual tomorrow," I said lamely. "And I didn't get much sleep last night. I'm really tired."

"Okay, no problem. We understand," Damien said. They were all so obviously worried about me that I could barely meet their eyes. "Thanks, guys," I mumbled as I left the room. I was halfway up the stairs when Stevie Rae caught up with me. "Do you mind if I come back to the room now, too? I have a really bad headache. I really just want to go to sleep. I won't bug you while you study or anything."