Page 62
Rolling my eyes, I skip ahead a few more pages.
Dear Diary,
My parents made me go away with them for a holiday weekend for FOUR days. I begged to stay home but they wouldn’t let me. Like they think I’m a baby and I’m going to burn the house down if I’m alone or something. So here I am in stupid hot as hell Florida and I’m bored and sad. I don’t even know why my dad wanted us to come because all he’s doing is golfing.
I miss Asher so much. We’ve seen each other every day since we started dating and now I won’t see him for days. Every time I call him Mom yells at me to get off the phone. They don’t understand how close we are and how happy he makes me. I was so lonely before I met him.
I’ve never connected with anyone like I do with him. I didn’t think anyone other than my family would ever love me. Other than Teddy of course. But I’ve never had a person just love me all on their own by their own choice. Asher does, though. He makes me feel special. I can’t wait to see him. I bought him a bracelet with our initials on it. I hope he likes it.
I frown at the tiny, neat handwriting. Ember sounds clingy and insecure. I know she’s young, but like, go out and have fun, girl.
I turn ahead a few more pages.
Dear Diary,
I have mono. Ew! Of course Dad freaked out and said I must’ve gotten it from making out with Asher all the time. That’s totally not true. I got it from Sydni who just had it. She’s always sipping my juice when we have lunch together so I guess her germs got on me. I like Sydni most of the time. Not right now, obviously, but she’s the first girl to be my friend here and she’s claimed me as her best friend. She’s really pretty and outgoing and she’s into music but she’s also kinda crazy.
She keeps asking me to set her up with Asher’s best friend so we can double date. I don’t want to because I think Tor’s too nice for her and she told me before I started dating Asher she wanted to date him herself! Every time she’s around us she flirts with him. Right in front of me! Like hello? I told her she’s a ho and asked her to stop but she just laughs and says she flirts with everybody. I think she just craves attention. Her father abandoned her when she was little, then came back, then left again so I think she has some lingering issues about men. Asher totally ignores her.
I feel like absolute yuck. I’m so tired ALL THE TIME. I can barely stay awake. I have to miss another whole week of school. Asher has been a supreme sweetheart. Every day he brings my school work home for me and he takes notes for me in the classes we have together. He brings me soup and milkshakes and adorable little stuffed animals and get well cards with butterflies on them. He writes the sweetest, most romantic things in the cards. He told me he can’t imagine his life without me. I almost fainted. Even though I feel like I’m dying he makes me smile every day and treats me like a princess.
I finally have my own phone and number so at night I call him and he plays his guitar for me. Even my mom said he’s been taking such good care of me. She didn’t like him at first because he has long hair. So judgy. I love his hair! I’m the luckiest girl in the world and I’m going to spend the rest of my life making Asher Valentine as happy as he makes me.
My temple throbs reading that last line, and the twinge in the center of my chest isn’t far behind it.
Ember’s mission to make Asher happy has died in my hands.
Dear Diary,
My hand is shaking as I write this. Not in a bad way, I’m just… I don’t even know. We made love for the first time tonight. It was totally unplanned, I swear! I kinda wanted to wait for my wedding night but everything just felt so right. I know I’m going to marry Asher someday so I think it’s okay. He’ll be my one and only forever. But like I’m speechless at how I feel right now.
It hurt a little but it was just so incredible. He was gentle and slow and he kissed me from my nose to my toes and whispered how much he loves me and oh my God he’s soooo sensual. He was totally sweet and caring afterward too. We took a nap together and he held me in his arms and I didn’t ever want to leave. It was just like the movies only better.