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Page 29
“I don’t want to let go,” he said. “They’re in the drawer. Your side.”
“I don’t want to let go, either,” she said.
He rose over her and looked into her eyes. He smoothed back her hair. “You’re making it very hard to go slow,” he said.
“I’m having a hard time with that myself,” she said. “Please. Suit up.”
He leaned over her, reached for the drawer and located the condoms. He got one out of the wrapper as quickly as possible and rolled it on. Pushing her onto her back, he touched her from her shoulder to her thighs, slowly, in even strokes. Then he let his fingers slide gently between her legs, first giving that small erogenous knob a little attention, then deeper, finding her more than ready. Then he was looking into her eyes again. “Sierra, I think you want more.”
“Oh boy, do I...”
“I think I have to have a taste,” he said. “My mouth is watering.”
“Not too much,” she said. “I’m not going to be able to wait for you if you do too much of that.”
He laughed, his blue eyes twinkling. “I don’t care if you wait for me. You think I’ll have trouble catching up?”
He kissed his way down her body, taking his time at her breasts, licking and stroking, his finger busy in her soft center all the while. Somehow without removing his hand from her tender parts, his tongue was there. His tongue was in her while his finger worked her.
“Oh God,” she said. And then she lost it. There was an explosion that lifted her off the bed and caused her insides to tighten and pulse. She was awash in spasms so he just went at her harder until she pressed her thighs so hard against his head, she wondered how he could breathe. It was an almost unbearably long orgasm that eventually slowed and her breath was coming hard and fast.
Connie slowly worked his way up her body to her lips.
“Oops,” she whispered.
“That was nice,” he said, giving her a series of short kisses.
“That was better than nice,” she said. She could feel him pulsing against her belly and she immediately had a hunger to have him fill her. Reaching her hand between their bodies, she began to stroke him. “Come on,” she said, spreading her legs under him. “Come on. I don’t want to wait anymore.”
“You didn’t wait,” he said, tonguing her lips apart.
“I don’t want to wait again,” she said. “I want you.”
He was completely still for a moment. “I like the sound of that,” he said.
She held him in her hand and guided him until he made a slow, deep entry, then held her still for a moment. He pinched his eyes closed and seemed to luxuriate in the moment. He finally moved, his hand under her butt, his lips on hers. He lifted her to him as he took a few slow, deep strokes. Then he dived into her. Her heels dug into the bed as she pushed back against him.
And it happened again. Her orgasm came fast and hard and he pulsed inside her, making it yet stronger and tighter. They clenched together for a long time, their bodies slick and feverish.
“Whoa,” Connie said.
“Holy shit,” Sierra said.
“Epic,” he whispered, kissing her.
Then a sound came from the floor and they both looked to see Molly on her back, having what looked like a wrestling match with one of Connie’s socks in her mouth. Molly was apparently oblivious to everything but the sock, just as Conrad and Sierra had been oblivious.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Sierra said.
“You’re kidding me, right? I’ll buy her a case of socks.” He rolled onto his side, bringing her with him. “I want to tell you a couple of things.”
“Listen, I’m not ready to—”
“You don’t have to be ready for anything, Sierra. I just want you to know a couple of things for your peace of mind. I’m a simple guy and that happened between us because you’re important to me. When someone’s important to me, they’re safe with me. I won’t ever lie to you, I won’t be with other women and I won’t hurt you. At least I’ll try to never hurt you. You can trust me, Sierra. You can count on me. But I’m not taking hostages. If anything about this, about us, doesn’t feel right or good, all you have to do is tell me.”
Inexplicably, she felt her eyes tear. She hadn’t cried in so long, she thought she had dried up forever. “Do you have any idea how sweet you are?” she asked in a soft voice.
“I’m just an ordinary guy, Sierra. I like my life just fine. I like it better with you but that’s my issue, not yours. You tell me what you need and I’ll do my best. Okay?”
She shook her head. “I won’t lie to you, either.”
“Thank you for this,” he said, pulling her close. “I think I was a lot more ready than you were, so thank you.”
“Conrad, you are very welcome.” She shifted her hips a little. “Very welcome.”
* * *
Sierra hadn’t slept with a man she truly cared about in so long, she couldn’t remember when. Maybe never. No, that wasn’t right. She’d had a few relationships that lasted awhile—maybe three or four months. They were troubled, of course, because she was troubled. Unstable and difficult and all over the emotional map.
She hadn’t slept with a man like Connie, a sweet and kind man who just happened to be a blockbuster in bed. She curled up beside him, her head on his arm, soothed by his callused hand gently stroking her.
The bed dipped as Molly tried to take her place between them, but Connie said, “No, you have to get on one side or another. Right over here. Eee! Jesus, that nose is cold!” Sierra giggled. “You think it’s funny?” Connie said. “I was goosed!” She giggled more.
Sometime in the night she heard his phone ring and her paranoia kicked into gear even though she was the one naked and sated beside him. Some woman, she thought, making a booty call?
“No, Sully, she’s not lost in the woods. No, Molly isn’t lost, either. Good night, then.”
“Sully?” she asked.
“He woke up and saw your car wasn’t back yet. He couldn’t resist. He’s pretending he was concerned but I think we both know—he’s nosy.”
In the very early morning when the sky was just beginning to lighten she was awakened by Molly barking and Connie yelling. She ran, stark bare-ass naked, to the back of the house to look out the kitchen window where she saw Connie clad in only boxers, holding on to Molly and shouting at six or seven elk to get out of his yard. The elk didn’t appear to be the least bit concerned with either Molly or Connie and it made her laugh.
She dashed for the bedroom to wrap the sheet around herself when they came back inside. She looked at the clock; it was only five thirty, but that wasn’t too early for Molly.
“I should probably get going,” she said. “It’s time for Molly’s breakfast.”
He grabbed her around the waist, whirled her around and, lifting her slightly, kissed her. “Your dog woke me up to go outside. Say thank you properly.” And then he buried his lips in her neck and growled.
For once in her life, Sierra chose not to kick good fortune in the teeth. She put her arms around his neck and let go of the sheet. It was caught between them and dragged, which of course made Molly think it was playtime. She bit at the sheet, pulled it, chewed it and wouldn’t let go. But Conrad was not discouraged. He reached into his bedside table, grabbed a condom and then grabbed Sierra, pulling her into the bathroom and closing the door on Molly. He was not the least bit distracted or dissuaded by the barking, whining and scratching at the door. He made sure Sierra was completely satisfied before he satisfied himself.
“Oh my God, who taught you how to make love?” she asked him.
“No one taught me,” he said. “That’s ridiculous. Nature taught me.”
“Nature didn’t show you how to back a woman up to a bathroom counter and melt her bones like that.”
“Isn’t it amazing what you can figure out when you have to?” He gave her a kiss. “Do you want a shower before you go? Breakfast? We could improvise for Molly...”
“I’ll take you up on that shower...alone. Then I’ll get Molly home for breakfast and I’ll have my coffee with Sully.”
“I hate to let go of you,” he said.
“The dog will starve if you don’t.”
“Can I be serious for a second?” he asked.
She felt a moment of dread. She wasn’t ready for him to get too serious. “Sure,” she said.
“I think it was almost the best night of my life,” he said.
She smiled at him. “You’re just saying that because my dog goosed you,” she teased.
“I’m saying it because it was. Can we talk later today?”
She nodded. “Of course. Are you working?”
“I’m helping out with a bunch of camp kids at the firehouse—just a few hours. I’ll come to the Crossing later. Is that okay?”
“You’ve been doing that almost since we met, Connie,” she said.
“Oh, that’s right.”
She took a breath. “It was one of the best nights ever for me, too,” she finally said.
He slapped her on the ass. “I don’t know how it could be. The dog didn’t goose you.”
* * *
There was another thing for which Sierra was grateful, if a little nervous at the same time. She had someone to come home to. Sully was waiting for her. Molly’s dish was full and Beau hadn’t touched it, though he’d eaten his own.
“Well, good morning, ladies,” Sully said. “And did we have a nice evening?”
“I spent the night,” she said. “Big deal.”
“Coffee?” he asked while pouring a cup for her.
“I’m thirty years old,” she said. “Old enough to make adult decisions for myself.”